Looking into constant kicks


Registered User
Oct 11, 2015

I've had some interesting times on your server. For the past few weeks, I seem to be getting kicked a lot . At first I thought this was due to a player using a reserved slot, but after talking to TBG clan members in game, it appears that this is not the case. I'm getting a general fault kick.
This just recently happened after scoring two head shots. In fact the majority of kicks occur when I'm having a good day sniping or using a lmg.

I tested my system on different servers. However, I was not able to reproduce the issue. In fact, I experienced no issues with my game crashing or been kicked.

I do have experience as a serve admin for BF2 when I was in Black Ops. With BF2 I could kick a person without having the standard kick message appear. This type of kick was an issue with inexperienced admins or admins who liked to always win. Fortunately, it was easy to police due to server logging the action.

I requesting an admin look into the server logs to check on the type of kicks admins are performing.

This might still be my system. To help myself, I have switched my browser, reinstalled the game, tested my connection, tried other non-TBG servers looking to reproduce and consulted other gamers. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Rooster

Thanks for bringing up your concerns. I assure you that kicking from us would occur after multiple warnings in chat. We do not and will not kick someone because we want to win. We will kick someone after warning in chat and then server killing. This is for rule violations. Now we do run a reserve slot system for TBG members and seeders that will kick someone at random. It is possible that you may be victim to this and it is also possible that battlelog is just being stupid. The head admins watch command usage and will deal with it if an admin unjustly uses a command. I still get kicked quite often for " something went wrong" or " could not join server" after being in game for multiple rounds. It happens.
Kicks are generally due to two things:

1. Reserved slots - only as issue if the server's full and an admin joins
2. DICE. Several bugs give a kick message when the game client crashes.

Any manual kicks on our servers will have a message for you - at the very least, the name of the admin who did it. This is provided by Procon, so if there's no message, it wasn't done manually.
I think you're being a bit presumptuous in your remarks Rooster. I have reviewed the logs and at no time during the last few days have you been removed or kicked from Lockers where I've seen you play. Yes, you may be kicked by a joining player once in a while due to a reserved slot but not any admin who decided to remove you.

There has been a long standing bug in BF4 and it occurs on random servers for me which is the same thing you're stating. For example: I can't play Meat Locker on the west cost. I'll always get a message saying kicked by admin but the reality is nobody is on. I use to have the same issue on other servers to include our own.
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I get kicked for 0 ping sometimes. How I have 0 ping on a server that I usually have 43ms ping is beyond me but it happens.
You can also turn on your local PB client logs, if you are at all interested. If you turn on client logging, you'll see kicks issued by PB for the server you're playing on.
For instance here's a snippet from my client log while playing on TBG's all maps server this morning. You can see various players were kicked by PB, for a multitude of reasons. PB out of date, Communication Error, and a disallowed program driver which usually means player has a macro enabled for their keyboard or mouse.

[10.11.2015 01:50:36] Removing "420sanc" 8c4f (0 minutes) Time Out trying to Update PB Client
[10.11.2015 01:57:59] Removing "DeathStriker9" 6db7 (0 minutes) This PB Server Requires (A1390 C2.351) - Error loading pbcl
[10.11.2015 02:18:44] Removing "ComradeHarls" cd13 (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe
[10.11.2015 02:20:06] Master Query Sent to (BF41.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[10.11.2015 02:20:07] Received Master Security Information
[10.11.2015 02:34:32] Removing "refleX-2014" 8c41 (0 minutes) Time Out trying to Update PB Client
[10.11.2015 02:50:06] Master Query Sent to (MASTER1.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[10.11.2015 02:50:08] Received Master Security Information
[10.11.2015 03:11:50] Removing "Galford007" 8a26 (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Disallowed Program/Driver [130827]
[10.11.2015 03:20:06] Master Query Sent to (MASTER2.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[10.11.2015 03:20:08] Received Master Security Information
[10.11.2015 03:28:33] Not Connected to a Server
