Looking to make some extra cash


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
Any tried any of these online money making things? I know there is a lot out there, and a lot are scams, but you might think at least one or two would be legit. I just want to make some extra cash from home without picking up a second job that ties me down more. You know so I could travel and see my family more. Plane tickets are really expensive.
Any thoughts?

Anyways, Amazon Mechanical Turk works but is a PITA to make any real money on. On the other hand, if you're fluent in a second language (especially a less common one), it's a good opportunity to sell translation services.
You know you gotta prove to him your worth what the people are goin to pay for.
dude supra, just go on the street corno and sell your white butt. Some people don't really care what's glued on the other side...like..........
sixer he bangs anything that walks on 2 legs really. You look good in a schoolgirl uni.
Here ya go;

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/lN-4lX0QyZc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Mechanical Turk is a good one, you need a bank account I do believe, or they put your money into an amazon gift card. It is how I made my gas money the first semester until disbursements. a penny here, five pennies there, if you do it about 4 hours a day you could rack up 40 bucks a week perhaps. One thing to consider is that for some of the "jobs" you need the certifications on there... you take a test and if you pass they'll let you do their jobs... Though with the certs I did a few, and stopped doing mechanical turk, and finally got the qualifications after almost two years of waiting, pffft good use that was.
OMG, Bob... How sad is it that I remember when that video first hit the airwaves?

* slinks away to other room with head hung down and tail between legs...