I have never stopped watching this but we are getting to the point were nothing is going to happen. Synopsis: They crashed on the island cause thats what planes do. People were living on the island cause people can live on islands, and the people on the airplane that crashed invaded there country and space so the inhabitants got territorial about their secret island, then killed or captured or converted as many as they could. And guess what all the people that crashed there are trying to go home. My God what a thought, they wanted to go home after there airplane crashed on an island,?Holy shit, I think I understand it now. Its called real life.
Wow, just watched last night, now the story is getting better.
Lost is the only show I've ever tried to be home to see. The show is solid. I call it my man-opera.
Stopped at season 2. Might start watching again oce I finish 24
good show
good that they're finally bringing it to an end though too lol
Okay I just watched the latest one, they keep starting the show over and over with different alternate realities, I am really starting to loose hope in this show that it is going to finish well with 5 shows left. Unless they can wrap it up well in the next five episodes we are going to have a huge dissapoinment for everyone who has watched it the last five years.