Love your bf3 servers.. BUT..


Registered User
Dec 27, 2012
Do you guy seriously not stream meta bans?? Like, are you effing kidding? | 24/7 AIR MAPS 1000 TICKET | 64P | NO LAG - Server Browser - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

You have at least one player on your servers ^^ right now who is blatantly hacking, not even being sneaky about it. and he is going unchecked because you there aren't any admins on. Obviously you cant always have an admin on 24/7.. but for god sakes, steam meta bans! It is the most legitimate and trustworthy way to keep you servers clean!! This alone is reason for me to not play your servers any more.

I don't mean to be mean or disrespectful of you, as i said i do enjoy your servers, but jeez guys. Get with the program!! :)
forwarding this to a Head Admin, stay patient or get on teamspeak.
Get with the program? You act as if we are not aware of metabans. I doubt anyone is going to raise their hand and say yes to something I can document as being abused by other communities. Its hard enough finding a community we can agree with whole heatedly even hard to pick communities to follow bans from.

If you had reported a name any one of us could have handled this from our cell phones in 2 clicks. Not reporting a name makes someone have to dig and even get into the game. Much slower.

I don't see any metabans on the last ban issued on air maps. If your not using metabans yourself to talk about a player, what good is streaming to them?
alright sorry guys.. jeez
I thought you woudn't want me to "name and shame" like most forums do

And btw, the hacker i was reffering to was Chucky___St4lker. and yes, he is on meta bans
Ahh he got him as well. Good shit. I only looked at the last and his disconnect time was the same as tart us post.
I see. Well regardless ty for banning him. And sorry about getting so uppity at first. I was super frustrated from getting killed by him so much.