Ill start w@flz
Early Turret/Arc/Jetpac
Ns2_Veil - Map for NS1, this map is very hard for aliens because of the way the hives are layed out, Using this strat you can deny the Kharra team most of the res and push into there second hive very quickly.
1# - Get nano grid, send everyone there , making sure there isnt a skulk rush on your main, You want to hold those 2 res locations for as long as you can. Cotten's strat simply puts the armory and obs and first phase gate in Nano, you upgrade mines and spread the entire room with them. Once you have held nano you push towards the cargo have while taking overlook/skylight/subsector.
1b - If you cannot get nano, simply move into west junction while taking skylight and over look and setup 1 or 2 arcs along with turrets, this denys the aliens 2 res nodes and opens up nano to be taken again later.
2# Once you secure the left side of the map, that leaves you with 6x res nodes if you own nano, and 4x if you dont (+1) with Topo, and 2 command stations. (Tip) * put 1 marine patrolling skylight and overlook to stop skulk harass.
2b - If the alien have is Subsector, time to win early and get a phase in overlook or skylight and push into sub using arcs and mines. Its easy to siege the hive from the top of the stairs just south of overlook.
3# - As soon as you can get jetpacks upgraded and shotguns, while pushing toward cargo. Get a phase just north of cargo below nano grid defend with turrets/armory. Keep constant pressure on cargo with jetpacking marines and arcs used to siege out sub. Cargo is one of the easiest hives to take with jetpacks. Work on your weapons 1, then armor 1 and armor 2 , fade's will be up at this time and you need armor 2 as soon as you can get it.
4# - If you take cargo the game is over.
I have used this strat many many times, In the chair i get flamed for building turrets/arcs early but it always gives me the win, even against good alien teams. It takes pressure off the marines, when you build turrets and arcs. Turrets in this strat should never really be used as defence, but put them at the front line. Arcing subsector and cargo is very easy , all the marines have to do is defend the arcs.
The strat limits weapons and armor ugprades so your marines are not as effective as they could be, but the aliens attention is swayed to turrets and arcs. Plus with the amount of res nodes you get by establishing the left side will allow you to upgrade quickly . I often build 2 arms labs and roll out the upgrades as quick as possible. By the time my guys were pushing into cargo i had 2n2 going.
Hope you like it, Both Drops and Heat were playing as a marine when i first did this strat, any comments from them?
Angry Child
What situations/map is it best to get exos over jetpacks?
I don't truly think youll ever find a situation where getting exos first over jetpacks is a better option, jetpacks are cheap and enable your entire team to perform better, good players can use jetpacks and be enabled to dispatch enemies much more safely and swiftly, exo's are pretty good when supported with macs but since they require welders to really push anything significantly youll be bogging down your team into exo welding that much earlier, they will also have a harder time doing it without jetpacks.
What situations would GLs, flame throwers, shotguns work best in?
Something marines dont do enough in this game right now is harass the enemy alien economy, a good marine with a flamethrower unopposed can torch up pretty much all the cysts on the maps in little under 2 minutes, this puts a huge strain on the alien commander when hes already occupied with other things. Flamers also are pretty much the best weapon to utterly destroy a structure such a hive, two or three marines with flamers and jetpacks and pretty much tear down any hive without hydras set up if they are good enough. Flamers are also excellent as a support weapon for clearing out lerk gasses when pushing down hallways, and they can demolish an onos if the flamer is allowed to continue unloading on it.
Not the practical weapon for skulks lerks or fades, but the grenade launcher can be a pretty powerful support weapon for a push, you can create a killzone for aliens such as a hive entrance (w/out whips ofcourse), the grenades deal double damage to structures and can catch most higher tier lifeforms offguard with the weapons potiential for burst damage. Flying into the back end of a hive while your other team members are pushing from the front is also very effective, because usually pub aliens just sit right behind the entrance and a good marine can snag some ridiculous killstreaks from that.
As of right now the absolute best weapon in the game for killing aliens of all types. Marines equipped with assault rifles have a hard time taking out fades and lerks early game due to the additional stress on aim from the fast movement of the higher mobility life forms. Shotguns allow marines to mediate their aim and consequent damage to specific points in time and this makes it easier for them to take out these lifeforms. The shotgun should always be purchased before the grenade launcher and flamethrower with no questions asked, in the hands of a good marine the shotgun can take on anything for its own worth.
What order/timing is it best to get weapon/armor upgrades?
"unless your marines are unbelievably good shots" You should always purchase armor 1 -> weapons 1 -> weapons 2 -> armor 2 or weapons 3 -> etc.
Why? Because armor 1 prevents skulks from 3 biting you, or 1 parasite two biting you, this will have the biggest impact on your pub marines the earlier you can get it researched as it will give every marine those extra moments of protection to make their final shots. Generally after armor 1 you want to get started on the weapons upgrades however as they can assist players with not so high aim standards to take down targets.
Which maps do arcs work best in? Which maps are the worst?
I don't think theres any real tier level of arc usefulness based on map. Arcs are situational pushing tools you purchase when you have an opening to take down a hive with them. You shouldn't start a round as a marine comm thinking "oh im going to get some arcs this round" because really it all depends on the situation that arises from the game playing out.
That being said however, you can do some pretty disgusting things with arcs via bar to locker rooms, central drilling to deposit, arcing out nanogrid from either junction on veil, etc.
I typically get upgrades in this order: Celerity, Regen, Carapace, Adrenaline, Silence, Camo. Is there a better build order for specific maps?
What are some good tactics for using shifts to teleport structures?
There is no better build order, every upgrade has the potiential to do something for your team that they can in turn exploit, it just takes good players who know what they are doing to use it to their advantage, in terms of sheer value however, carapace is unmatched for simply increasing the health pool of every alien on your team.
For pub games however right now purchasing shade hive first and going camo right off the bat is pretty effective, (only because of bad pub marine commanders who do not know how to scan anything for ######, or drop health for ######, and bad marine players who dont understand simple concepts like "cover your teammate" and "always stay moving when camo is present")