Mass Effect 2 on Steam

would you recommend buying it. if its that good of a game? not sure if i want to buy it or not
The first one was phenomenal and from what I've read the second is even better. I'll probably download it on Friday.
Played ME2, it is AWESOME. Boon said I'll like the first one even better, so I'm going to purchase it on the weekend. The story really pulls you in at times.
Nice, Nice sounds good i think i will get both of than. both are available for download right?
Best FPRPS out there. The first one was amazing, this one is just as good. When I get the last 2 or 3 people I will let you know how good it is. Jack is a bitch though.
The first one was extremely well-done, very polished, and the overall production was up there with the best.

I expect the second one to be just as good if not better.

However, I probably won't buy it until it's $20 - perhaps a year from now.

It's just not a game that I want to play right now, so I don't see the point on wasting $60 when I'm not even going to play it...

I thoroughly enjoyed the first one though... bought it for $10 I think or something (xmas sale).
I'm cheap? I'm not the one who pirated it and played it through before it was released...
I will be buying it though by this weekend. I prefer to try before I buy.
In unrelated news, I bought FEAR 2 last week from the UK for ~$15 shipped.

The package arrived today, and it kinda smelled like mold or something (like a ship container... don't know the word in English... it's not "moss" is it? Like the green crap that grows on rocks in watery places). Luckily, the DVD/package itself smells fine lulz.

That's more than I wanted to pay ($10). The lack of dedicated servers is complete shit, but I feel like the game was badass enough and a good enough port (although a lot less than perfect) that it deserves to be bought.

I might even buy the DLC for $5 someday.
Yes it is "moss". And HeatSurge isn't cheap he's economically frugal.