
Registered User
Apr 14, 2009
So 12 hours in with an ME2 imported character (no ME1), and I feel like I have barely scratched the surface... Game play is so so.. but the story is twisted and engrossing. Brain fry... gonna get some sleep for now.
Ok now that I am a little more awake... They way they integrated everything is cool... you can pick up side missions just by overhearing civilian conversations. This can also give you the option to intervene, and how you do that can have major consequences on the "war effort." Some of the personal conversations with Shepard can get long winded, but otherwise decent story telling... Some great voice actors (a couple might sound familiar from the new BSG)... and as always anyone who's played any Bioware games or knows the Mass Effect past, there are some great jokes, both insider and not, and funny moments.
Is the space bar still bound to every action?
Well most actions yes. 21+ Hours in and still entertaining at every turn. The actual action part of the missions are not all that long but it makes up for it with LOTS of them. I like the fact that they have an update-able Role of honor on the ship, and that it includes every person that has served on any of the Normandy's SR1 or SR2 that has dies as a result of action take in game.
No more mining for resources...unless i havent gotten that far yet...just the occasional dig for artifacts and cash...played like 10 hours straight last night...
Gonna have to wait till April to get it. But I have just converted my 360 save into a PC one so I should be good to go for the PC version.
Gonna have to wait till April to get it. But I have just converted my 360 save into a PC one so I should be good to go for the PC version.

Yah me too, installing it right now. Whoever made the save converter is awesome.
I got it too and am loving it. Has anyone tried the multiplayer yet since the release?
No resource mining... Just the scanning for Artifacts and War Resources
Not the Ending I was expecting or would have chosen...
There were no spoilers in that... Just to say I was and am disappointed in BioWare at the moment.
Ok some news has come to light so Ill hold my opinions for now.. At least till I finish a second play through and see if that opens the changes that they say it will.