Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-021 - Critical


Registered User
Mar 18, 2014
Looks like MS is releasing a patch for this IE vulnerability. Make sure and apply the patch ASAP.
I know not everyone is a fan of IE and may not even use it, but its deeply integrated with your OS and as such you need to keep your system safe by applying these critical patches anyway. I think there is even a patch for you Windows XP holdout out there.
We just did an out of cycle patch for my company's workstations (all of 1500 of them). Amazing how we managed to get 15 departments to agree in such a short time.

I'm surprised M$ had patched XP. They deemed it was too critical to not include XP.
I wish they hadn't. I'd give anything to stop supporting IE 8. It doesn't even support border-radius! I am trying to find a reason to drop 9 so we can use flex boxes as part of the mobile theme. Its supported in Firefox 2, Chrome 4, Safari 3, Android 2.1....
I'm sorry you're correct. ARS said that. But I do agree with you on how they should have left XP out.

Between deploying new workstations and making sure the patch was released I just skimmed the article.