Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History murdered

wtf is going on in the u.s.? to over here it looks as if some liberal nutjobs are making it look like republicans are bad
Well i think we all know of a person that will be on the missing persons list for life, i think he will be buried next to hoffa.
The Associated Press is already running headlines about hero killed with SEMI-AUTOMATIC pistol. Fucking scum of the earth. Kyle was awesome, I listened to him break the story about Ventura live on O&A. The vet that killed him is probably going to get the death penalty. Sad such a good person was stolen like this by a fellow soldier.
Just in case Ron Paul hasn't alienated every single solitary member of the military he decided it was a good idea to tweet the following today:

@RonPaul Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense

For the hundredth time, fuck Ron Paul.