my bro Ecuanonimo...


Registered User
Mar 25, 2008
Well im sure u have seen him on our server..hes always waiting for a gs lol and for sure hes trying to fly hehehe ..the reason of this thread is cuz i just want to let ya'all know that he is my older brother and the enjoys playing anywhere specially in our server and if hes a little lost sometimes is cuz of little personal issues (Soulzz and Fast are aware of it) and the ones that are not plese dont kick him or ban him hes new on this...hes flying very good now but sometimes he can ram (cuz of that joystick lol) and if you have any issue with him just let me know...Thanks
No problem Eddie. Thank you for taking the time to post about this.

yeah i know who he is, i'll pass on the info if they dont see this. He is new to this and can do little silly things but i dont think he needs to worry about being kicked lolz
well i had to tell this cuz ive had some surprises 030 and one was when he used our tags and i was like wtf? lol but i told him not to show his nose on our servers cuz he prolly will get kicked or even banned so i was worried about it and a plus i told him the rules and all about our server but he was a little noob about em hehehehehe but i hope u all understand my newb bro 038
ive seen him around a lot actually. i havent seen anything bad. i wouldnt kick him. he'll get better if he keeps hanging out with these guys, its hard not to.
i see he has had problems before. are you guys really from ecaudor?


I am ntw, this guy I have been playing with a lot lately told me had had been banned. He is from Ecuador so his english is weak. He had asked me to ask you guys why he was banned and if he could be unbanned.

Last time I saw him, an admin by the name of jelly had warned/kicked him .about line cutting (if I can remember it correctly)

Anyways, whatever you guys tell me, I will forward to him.

His name is Ecuanonimo.


His ban is set to end on the 2nd at 7:20....he was banned for ramming so tell him to watch it. thanks

well we are....actually im 8 years in the U.S. and he got here a year earlier pop and mom are here as well....ohh and Roth i appreciate that info cuz i knew he was banned on GUN but had no clue why and when it happened... it clears a lot of misplaced info hehehe hes learning now 006