My Comp


Registered User
May 6, 2010
So I have introduced myself, but not my computer... Her name is Nireno- I call her Niri. She was built by me in 2002, i was 15. At the time I was living in Indonesia, she was a 20 gig hard drive, Pentium 3 1.2 ghz, a floppy drive, and a CD drive. 512 MB of ram. But her crowning glory was a prototype AGP Radeon 9600 at 512, and 333-600 MHz. (i bought it off of a stall next to a fish stand).

Over the years ive swapped out cases, hardrives, drive, motherboards, graphics cards- pretty much all of Her- but she's still my Niri- I'll be dammed if I don't love Her.

Her current measurements are... And don't worry I asked her permission before putting this up.

System Information
Time of this report: 5/22/2010, 02:20:48
Machine name: NIRENO
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.100226-1909)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
System Model: druinfly customs
BIOS: BIOS Date: 01/21/10 22:17:55 Ver: 08.00.15
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 8190MB RAM
Page File: 1959MB used, 14418MB available
DirectX Version: DirectX 11

Display Devices
Card name: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series
Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
Chip type: ATI display adapter (0x6899)
DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
Display Memory: 4071 MB
Dedicated Memory: 1011 MB
Shared Memory: 3059 MB
Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (59Hz)
Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
Monitor Model: SyncMaster
Monitor Id: SAM0592
Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)
Output Type: DVI