My first BF3 FRAG/Montage


Registered User
Dec 3, 2011
Hey, just wanted to get your thoughts on this rough edit of the BF3 movie I'm making... which I'm hoping to get finished by this Tuesday:


> 00:16-03:55 ~ The basic structure (i.e. what I want) is final from 16 seconds to 3 min 55, however not every footage is.
> The Addictive and Cross dissolve between the frame holds in the first verse (sniper kills) are final, unless I see a better way of of doing it.

> 00:00-00:16 ~ I don’t have an idea for an intro as of yet. I might take up a suggestion given to me about explosions and slow-mo’s or throw in a title sequence.
> 03:55-05:28 ~ Nothing is final between them. Those footage were only placed on the timeline so I could cut out the kills from each clip I had. They just happen to be in that order and cut length with the music.
– However, I’m starting to like the end footage of being stabbed and then the round ends simultaneously ending the video.
> Transitions ~ Not all trans. are final. I am thinking of doing a Morphing Transition between shots but only in two instances:
– 00:54-00:57 ~ There is no clip placed in this section of the timeline… and so the last frame holds for that duration even though it’s not meant to. I had an idea of placing a knife kill in there, but breaking it up and morphing each cut smoothly to show the kill.
– 02:01-02:11 ~ The Dither transition going into 2 min 1 isn’t going to be in the final cut. Between each cuts as it’s the same weapon, in the same vicinity of Metro, I’m going to morph transition into them.

> 03:23-03:24 ~ As with before, there isn’t footage between some cuts so hence why for fraction of seconds each frame holds. I’m meant to place a black video as they cut to black then back again for those 2 seconds.
> My footage gets replaced all the time from the timeline, and so this might change from now till Tuesday, when I am hoping to have completed this.
Looking good Patriot. I even like the music. Why did you put the part with you getting knifed in the video at all?
Well that bit's not final, but I kinda like it for an end. Again I have no idea on how I'm going to end this, and the other potential end clip I had was me knifing someone and the round ends... but the animation shows me knifing the ground instead so it would just look silly. I'm still recording every game I play so obviously if I get better footage then I'll replace the clip(s).

You guys got any suggestions as to how I should end it... or even start it (first 16 seconds)? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Finally finished my video, took about a month to do it. Hope you guys enjoy it.