My Inactivity


Registered User
Dec 7, 2010
Sorry I have not been around lately but I have been dealing with some back problems and unfortunately after having surgery on my back twice now it appears I am looking at least one if not two more operations before I will be able to walk under my own power again. I won’t bore you guys with the details other than to say I went in to the hospital being able to walk and now all be it temporary according to the doctors for the time being I am confined to a wheel chair. No I am not paralyzed, unfortunately I can feel everything and that’s the problem, when I try to stand up to walk the disks in my lower back are damaged and are causing nerve problems so when I try to stand or walk the pain is unbearable and my legs tremble so bad that I can’t walk.

After arguing with my doctors and my insurance carrier they finally agree to release me yesterday so I could come home for now. I have to go back in the hospital on Monday the 30th because I am going back under the knife that following Tuesday the 31st While I am home I don’t expect to be very active in game but I will try to be a little more active on the forums it’s just difficult for me right now to do much of anything due to the pain and medication they have me on.

For the time being I have my brother and my son taking turns staying with me and oh wow is that a treat! I will also be getting a visit from an in home nurse once a day which I don’t think is necessary but the doctors and my insurance carrier insisted otherwise they would not release me to come home.

I don’t know if it’s the pain medication making is me paranoid or not but I can’t help get the impression that this is all a result of the first surgery being botched but that is something I will worry about once I get all taken care of.

Anyway that’s the condensed version I hope I didn’t bore you guys too much. : ) I will update this thread after my surgery on the 31st until then I will be around off and on but I am going to be keeping a low profile for the most part because I don’t feel like doing much of anything other than sleeping right now.
get better brotha. Wish everything goes well, especially with the surgery that happens to be on my birthday.
Whoa! I hope everything will settle just fine for you.
Get better! we need you.
Sorry to hear about your ordeal brother :-(

You hear so many horror stories about back surgery. Sadly I am in the same boat with back damage/pain, although I have never been able to make the jump into surgery. It has been offered to me so many times over the years these docs are starting to sound like used car salesmen ;-)

All I can say is good luck brother. Does your insurance allow for a second opinion?
Wish you well Shock. Hope things turn out good for you.

@ The Man - They are no better than used car salesman. lol
Just let us know when you need the strike team to "Visit" the Dr.
Wow! sorry to hear about all the drama that your going through shockwave. hope you to a well n fast recovery. Get well! health is more important then anything. Take it ez, don't stress and we will see you soon. RL comes first.
Sry things didn't go better with your last surgery, hope the next trip under is more successful. Feel better!
Well after 2- surgeries and countless physical therapy sessions it appears I have one more date with the surgeon’s scalpel but from what I am being told at this point, that won’t happen until at least then end of July. On that note I just wanted to let you guys know I am still here and kicking well not so much kicking but I am here for the most part. I do plan on trying to be more active on the forums and servers between now and my next surgery but how active depends on how cooperative my back is. Something I do want to mention while I am at it, is that my brother has been playing under my BF2 accounts, my son was as well but I put a stop to that after I was informed that he used my admin credentials last week to turn auto balance on & off so he could change teams at will. Shame on him because he is 20 years old and should know better but then again at that age if I remember correctly I was not the epitome of maturity either. Anyway, I want you guys to be aware that if my brother is playing under either of my accounts he will not be wearing our clan tags that way you guy’s will know if it’s him or I playing. Other than that I will keep you guy’s posted with what’s going on and I also wanted to thank FAST & Soulz for working with me during my unexpected medical issue, I do appreciate it guys.

Thanks- Shockwave

Disclaimer: I am on some serious pain meds so if what I posted makes no sense, please keep that in mind. : )
Shock, Whishing you the best luck.
We always appreciated when your on, so get better and come back
Get well soon Shockwave,
I was wondering why your aim has been off lately :)
My back is also going south, but it's too scary to consider surgery until they have to
carry me in there, I guess.

Take care of yourself... and leave the nurses alone!
