My next phone announced, 8 inches bitch. Steve Jobs you aint seen a hummer yet!


Mar 6, 2011
Ive said since the day I heard Steve Job's say that no one would buy a hummer phone (which at the time was a 4 inch device...) I have said that if they made a 7 inch smartphone it would sell like fucking hot cakes. Well I am about to be proven right. Quote BTW:
You could make a really big smartphone that doesn?t have this problem ? some of these guys are making Hummers now ? so big you can?t get your hand around it. But no one?s going to buy that.

Introducting the 8 Inch Galaxy Note:

The Galaxy Note 2 has sold in many Millions now. The sales on this will be a bit low but it will be plenty enough to be worth it.

I really don't make phone calls. Half of you wussies saying shit probably talk on a headset anyways so whats the problem. Oh pocket size? Some company needs to jump on a clothing line just for shit like this.

Im buying it, end of story.
how the fuck do you put that in your pocket, not only that its almost as big as your face, you would look retarded trying to talk to some one on the phone, how would you hold it lol?
how the fuck do you put that in your pocket, not only that its almost as big as your face, you would look retarded trying to talk to some one on the phone, how would you hold it lol?

i'd mount an AR15 pistol grip to it... wait shit thats a pretty sweet business idea
how the fuck do you put that in your pocket, not only that its almost as big as your face, you would look retarded trying to talk to some one on the phone, how would you hold it lol?

Cargo pants, bluetooth headset, lack of girly hands? Trust me I will be able to do work faster and you will thank me. I believe the lifetime call counter on my phone which is a year old now only has 6 hours on it.