My video card is dead...


Registered User
Mar 14, 2009
My 285 gtx just died yesterday, I had few problems with it already, black screen on BFBC2 so I was planning to by a new one anyway. So I bought this morning on newegg a gtx 460 which looks very good, plus way more cheaper than my other one. Less than 200$
That is sad but I won't die for only few days... Fuck I'm addict this is incredible ;B
Couple days... What does the normal people does if they don't game ?
Drinking beers, ya I can do this to numb the pain ;B
What else... crying on the corner of there room in spoon style, hmmm maybe the day 4. I'll keep that for later.
If you have any idea, help me to survive those days.

You can donate at Online Gamers Anonymous - Gaming Addiction Resources & Community For Gamers and People Affected by Gamers | <p align=center><a href="/"><img alt="Game Addiction Help & Resources" src="sites/all/images/banner_new.png"></a></p> to help me to pass few days without gaming. Be generous!

Have to let me know what your scores are on benchmarking software. Let me know what program you use and I'll use the same.
Buck up soldier! Haven't you ever heard of asian porn or thailand ladyboys? Fuck. Go read a book, go to the gym, jerk one off for an hour or two you'll feel better! See you when you get your new card.
Fuck that Rehab is for quitters!!! Are you a quitter?


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found it!
I got a new laptop, but its for my own company. I'm creating the web site of it. I'll show you a part of it soon.
And Fast sorry I am sold to NVIDIA.

And by the way, the peop who did not understood that I was making a joke by saying I don't know what to do... well there you know.
Later bitches ;B