Natural Selection 2 Gameplay Trailer


Retired Founder
Jan 2, 2008
For those interested:

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looks sorta like battle-swarm and that game sucked... btw Why is the first person view inside that dog-creatures mouth lol?
It's the alien view of Gorge I believe :). Battle-Swarm? Never heard of it. This is based off an HL1 mod 8 years ago, but with a custom made engine. This is a rough beta, but it gets better with ever patch, unlike most games :P.
I don't expect many to enjoy the game at this point as there are many missing features, optimizations, and bugs in general that would prevent many from having fun.

That being said, this represents what the concept of the game is. If you don't like it now, you probably won't like it when it's done, unless they change the style a lot from now.

Thought I would share this though regardless :).
I played the first NS religiously. Don't disregard it yet. Its amazing, and a lot different than your conventional first person shooters.

Its kinda like playing Starcraft first person.

The game was seriously awesome! And this installment looks even better.