Natural Selection 2 - TBG Server Rules

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Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
True Born Gaming Natural Selection 2 Rules

Breaking the following rules will result in a Kick/Ban:

1. No Hacking, Glitching or Racism (Insta Ban)

2. Respect all Player's, TBG Admins and Servers.*

*(Disrespectful attitudes, greifing or disruptive gameplay will result in a kick/ban)

3. No Chat spam or Asshatery

4. Keep your hackusations to yourself. NO ONE CARES!!. If you have a legitimate report, please report it in the Forums. The chat box is no place to constantly harass a player without SOLID proof.

5. No Whining!

6. The in game Commander vote kick is to be used only for when the commander is obviously not doing their job. Often issues can be resolved by asking the commander politely. The Commander vote kick should be not be abused by a "group" of Friends or Clanmates. This will result in a kick/ban.

7. Commanders should always try to work with the team as a whole and not against.

8. Kharaa commanders that drop a Lerk or Gorge egg for themselves immediately after the game starts will result in a kick/ban, unless consensus was made prior.

9. Gorge clogging should not be used to troll or grief your own team.

10. Spamming the "medpac/ammo/mist" is not necessary and will result in a kick/ban. Often the commander may not have res, or is saving for a valuable building.

11. Not every commander , commands the same, they may want to try something different or simply try to catch the enemy team off guard. Do not whine about a "not so typical strat". If you feel a commander is abusing his position or not keeping the goal of the game in mind (to beat the other team) , please report it to an admin or on our website.

12. No Racism in chat or with in-game nicks (normal policy on all TBG servers in all games).

13. No recruiting messages or advertising.

14. Under no circumstance Marine commanders are to recycle the teams assets to end the game. If you dont want to play the round out, thats fine, Press F4.

* Admins are authorized to utilize any action to ensure a fair and balanced, cheat free server. Our players are entitled to a quality gaming experience: If you have any questions please feel free to leave server feedback in our feedback section :D

All players are entitled to appeal their bans for server rule violations via a TBG Ban appeal and are highly encouraged to do so.

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