Need help. BF3 keeps crashing to a black screen.


Registered User
Sep 10, 2009
Anyone else have this issue? I just reloaded my ASUS Sonar DX sound drivers to see if that will help. I'm running the current version for GTX580's. I had them SLI but I just turned if off to see if that would help. My GPU's are maxing around temps of 67C so I don't think that's an issue.

If anyone has any suggestions or has had similar experiences please help.

Btw, once the games crashes I go to Task Manager and it shows the game is still running so I have to end it there. Its the only way I can get rid of the black screen.
Happens to me on every map change, unless I alt-enter to a window while the map loads.
Try an older driver, the new ones are shitastic.

OK. For now I have backed off my SLI and as I said reloaded my sound driver. I haven't had any issues yet but I will back up to older version drivers next. Thanks.
Sorry, thought that was clear. I meant try the older Nvidia drivers. As long as the sound is working don't fuck with a good thing :) Nvidia's drivers have been the worst I've ever seen for any game-BF3. The best driver I ever used was the very first that came on the CD with the card when it was first sad is that?