Need help with fps


Registered User
Sep 20, 2013
So I thought my fps was pretty good until a couple days ago when Kieser said he gets 80-90 fps on a 580 ti. I have turned down the video settings and turned off AA in bf4 but Im still getting average of 60 fps using a evga 780 SC. Not much of a overclocker but Ill give it a try if needed.

Any suggestions?

I run settings on medium with my 770 2GB and get about 150FPS. I get about 80-90 FPS on High.
50s-60s on Ultra.
wtf Im 60 on ultra but when I dropped to medium and turned off AA Im still 60 fps on fraps.
Create a user file if you don't have one in your Origin /Origin Games folder.
Copy this and put it in there.
PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
PerfOverlay.DrawGraph 0
PerfOverlay.Enable 1
Render.DrawScreenInfo 0
Screenshot.Format png
WorldRender.DxDeferredCsPathEnable 1
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 1024
RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 1
RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0
WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurFixedShutterTime 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMax 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 256
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
and save it.
You should also go into Nvidia Geforce Experience if you have it installed , and use the optimize settings .
It takes into account all your hardware you have , and sets up the game parameters to suit your preferences.
This will also gove you a FPS counter in the upper right hand corner so you dont have to run fraps.
So I thought my fps was pretty good until a couple days ago when Kieser said he gets 80-90 fps on a 580 ti. I have turned down the video settings and turned off AA in bf4 but Im still getting average of 60 fps using a evga 780 SC. Not much of a overclocker but Ill give it a try if needed.

Any suggestions?


Thanks guys frames are much better now but now Im having directX erroring every time I play bf4. Im going back to latest nvidia drivers to see if that helps.

Latest drivers stoped directx errors
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