Need some help with Jet kills


Retired Founder
Retired Founder
Mar 28, 2015
hwy guys! I was wondering if anyone could lend me a hand getting some Jet kills. I'm working on the Phantom bow. I suck at jets terribly. Took me over an hour to get 2 kills. I'll be on everyday at 5pm EST. Thanks!
if you are using mouse and keyboard, change your pitch up key binding to SPACE BAR (dont forget to change/cancel space bar being fire key as well). I sucked completely bad in jets, until I changed my pitch up. HUUUUUUGE difference. Dont have to keep swipping the mouse, and allows for better speed control. 310-315knots is about your best speed for banking. Also, go into Air SUperiority maps and just practice getting your kills in there. If you got to, equip some heat seekers to assist your handicap.
Here's the BEST ways to get all the jet kills you need for the Phantom Bow.

1. As Snake suggests, find an AIR SUPERIORITY server that has people in it. Might take awhile, but, you'll get them if there isn't a pro jet guy there farming kills.
2. As above, go to an AIR SUPERIORITY server and use a Stealth Jet and just cap the flag(s) till you unlock the 'Laser Guided' missile (also activate an XP boost to get the points needed faster). Then, go over to a 24/7 Silk Road server (I recommend this one or this one), equip the Laser Guided missile, and then pot shot all the motorbikes running around like chickens with their heads cut off. If the shot lands (you have to keep it locked on), it's an instant kill, especially if they have Jeep Stuff on it (watch them rage chat :D). This is how I got my kills for the Phantom Bow Jet kill requirement.
Awesome. Thank you! I will give that a try.
Yeah silk road is the way to go. If you are still havin trouble post back maybe we can set something up
Quantams idea is good. I'm halfway to the goal. Just taking forever cause Ive been running into guys farming kills in a jet.
I have the roll with jet camera option turned off. So it looks like it was in BF3. I was always getting lost when trying to follow the mini map in dogfights. If you don't have it turned off I highly recommend doing so. It's in the options menu. I'm a pretty decent jet pilot (not the best by any means) with a few thousand kills and I can be your wing man for a couple games if you'd like.
Ugh, 2 hours and not one kill. I keep getting farmed by other guys or my shots are not registering. Lordy i hate jets...
Ugh, 2 hours and not one kill. I keep getting farmed by other guys or my shots are not registering. Lordy i hate jets...

As I suggested in #2, cap the flags while using an XP boost till you unlock the Guided Missile. Then go to another server and pot shot the bikes running around.
Actually i have been. Just difficult when you have other jets farming kills.
Indeed I have. I got some more kills this morning. Need 7 more kills. Not too bad. Getting there slowly.
Good to hear! Let us know when you get closer to needing to go down for the bow. I have all 4 tags + the wild card ones and can help out if I'm available to do so.

BTW, I just sent you a friend request. Different name in BF4 than here on the forums, but I run with the [SPD] tags in game so you know who the friend request is from. ;)
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I need some help too! Got the tag from Operation Whiteout. That's it. Haven't been interested but in getting it but if anyone else wants to let me know!
I need some help too! Got the tag from Operation Whiteout. That's it. Haven't been interested but in getting it but if anyone else wants to let me know!

You on TS right now? I can help you go do it as there's a server that is a BOW acquiring server right now that has several people in it.

I also sent you a friend request to help you do this.

I should be available till at least 11PM EDT to help for sure. After that, who knows. Might pass out.
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set a date for those who need. bungie and few of us will help. quick bow run np.
I'm thinking, maybe 9PM EDT on Friday for everybody might work? That will give Irishian88J time to finish his last LMG kills so we can get him his bow as well. ;)
Should be good for me. I just need to get the Roadkills. I do have the tag from Operation Whiteout and none others.
Also i am in TS and will be for a few hours.