New BF3 Montage


Registered User
Nov 27, 2010
Who needs AA to kill air vehicles? lol Watch it on Youtube..not sure why its embedded so small.

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

And for whatever reason I noticed my health hit 0% twice in the video and I didn't die. This seems to be happening more frequently, has anyone else noticed?
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I'm no expert, but it might be something to do with these settings here?

iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""
Ah there we go. Changed it to 1280*720.

Health: BF3 tracks your health to more decimal places than it really needs to and rounds the result. So when you've got 0.2 HP left it says zero.

Same with 100 kill assists. You actually did 99.9% damage and the game rounded up. You got a free point, yay!
That guy in the chopper sucked. Three times you shoot him down with a tank. Good stuff.
One of the bonuses of the humble bumble pack. Noob pilots. The guy whose jet I shot down spent about half the round trying to ram me with the jet. Failed every time, and got shot down three times for his troubles.
Oh yea to make it better, now all those people who bought BF3 for 5.00, now they have BF3 Premium on sale on Origin for 14.99... So It's a pretty great deal, your spending what, 20.00 on BF3 Standard + Premium Package...