New fish tank


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Honorary Member
Aug 21, 2008
I got a new fish tank yesterday for ever growing oscar. It's a 37 gallon tank. You can see the stupid fish hiding behind the castle.


I have two tanks in my house for fish. One is a natural tank I've filled with fish from a nearby creek. Little brim and warmouth and chub and mosquito fish. It's actually a really neat tank and I use it to teach my daughter about the local ecosystem. My other tank... that's my catfish tank. 150 gallons with a single electric catfish who, by the way, is a voracious predator. I had tropical fishes, including an oscar, at one time but they just got boring so I switched things up.

I'll take some pics and post 'em when I get a chance. I.E. when I remember. Haha.
You're going to need a bigger tank if that guy keeps growing! Nice tank though; how long did it take to set up?
It's flesh water tank right now. Once the oscar dies, which could be years, I'll set up for salt water again. Took me a day to set up and I put the oscar in it the next day.
It's flesh water tank right now. Once the oscar dies, which could be years, I'll set up for salt water again. Took me a day to set up and I put the oscar in it the next day.

Still waiting for a pic of the oscar...
Here is a picture of the ocsar in the old tank.