nhl 14


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
so, I have been cracked out on this game! I love hockey games, and they have done nothing but gotten better over the years. Is the online play worth a fuck, or is it a bunch of kids who if you score 2 or 3 goals ahead of them and they leave before 3rd period is over?
Like many of the canucs around here I'm a huge hockey fan, but I haven't played a hockey video game since ICE HOCKEY came out on Nintendo in 1988, that was a great fucking game.
NHL 95 for sega....or nhl 93 was pretty good

wayne gretzky's hocky for 64
Blades of Steel....the fights and free penalty shots if you bump into a defenseman 3 times in front of the net!
me and my buddy used to play nhl 13 online... if you think your good think again kids online will smack ya guaranteed
yea I dont even fuck around with online...just do the career single player shit
I play online on ps3

It's fine.

If they do DC they get a DNF and u auto win with 3 goals for
I do have on ps3. Why would I play a canadian in a hockey game?! That is like trying to play a young thug at a game of dice!

hehe I will be on at some point today. My ps handle is Cpt_SnakeBabies i think