No Mic, No Com?


Registered User
Nov 12, 2012
Maybe I'm just unlucky, but I'm see more and more comms without a mic. Should we make it a rule that anyone wanting to comm has to have a mic?
Communication is important its hard to enforce no mic rule, cause some comms type very well! The ingame comm chair kick should remedy that issue.

I think once we get scrolling rules we can say, dont hop in without a mic ect.
You could just enforce that commanders communicate with the team, lively.
I don't think coms need a mic necessarily.

*rant* I think we should make a rule that "if you suck, don't com" though... and implement autokick if you make a turret or a whip before 5:00. */rant*
LOL , I have built a whip in bar very early in the game , man did it save my ass :D
Whips are fine, but when a Comm gets turrets in 5+ rooms before welders makes me rage.
Chicken your forum thread needs to be added to the Tips and Tricks area in NS2 :D, Hive build times ect.
No GREEN/Rookie commands, no mic is fine as long as they communicate well.
Commanding is fucking scary, everyone start yelling at me when I take it
Basically, the way I deal with that is to tell them to stop whining and suck it, and if they don't listen get out and let them command xD .
I sarcastically respond to everything they yell at me to do. Sometimes I tell them to go backseat comm some other game. Most the time I'll just bonewall people asking for mist if they've annoyed me too much.
Tart if you want to command :D , Just join TS with us one day and ill run you through the basics :D
Make sure no TBG members are around, or we'll backseat comm the fuck out of you. Like bickering old women.