No one posted this BF3 Aftermath footage?


Mar 6, 2011
Maybe I have been busy but I cant say i remember seeing anyone post Aftermath footage so here it is:

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I think I like what I am seeing and hearing. This scavenger mode sounds interesting.
sounds interesting, maybe we can have conquest and scavenger running on the server
Do we have server space to start a new server? I hope so cause all of our BF3 servers seem to stay populated.

No, something has to get cut. Yeah everything stays populated and yeah most of them are high ranked. But we do have a server no one plays on and if Aftermath is popular then there won't be much excuse. Imagine had Wake been more popular and we hadn't cut it for Armored Kill :p We wouldnt have a highly ranked server many of us love to play. Thankfully wake was an easier cut and I still didn't want to see it go. But the point there is Close Quarters is low ranked, has a little trouble with population but we have people who play it every day, where as we have something else that's the opposite.

We brought it up at the last community meeting. Depending on how the expansions do something has to get cut. It has been reviewed nearly every month at HA meetings. With 2 Moh:W servers it kinda cuts down on the extra space we have but its also yet to be seen how that plays out long term.

6 Months after the last expansion we will have to start discussing if anyones moving on to 4 or whats going on with the overall gaming scene.

Otherwise your talking another 200 a Month so we can hoard game modes and maps forever. I don't want to see anything go but it is going to be a reality. We either never move forward, we wait 6 months and get passed up, or we man up and cut something.
We either never move forward, we wait 6 months and get passed up, or we man up and cut something.

There's always the off chance you could merge a couple of them for a nice mix in a server. Like Karkand and the Air Maps server, for instance. Both popular, but it gives folks a little change-up with some open-air maps and then some ground-pounding ones.

An idea. :-)

There's always the off chance you could merge a couple of them for a nice mix in a server. Like Karkand and the Air Maps server, for instance. Both popular, but it gives folks a little change-up with some open-air maps and then some ground-pounding ones.

An idea. :-)


An idea discussed since before BF3 even actually went gold. Can't get anyone to agree on making a server that kicks people out if they only have Vanilla when the map changes. Fast did recently bring something up about doing it and either way I mean most of us have B2K (and don't play it much) so It isn't a problem for us if we want to play it and by now I would imagine the numbers on Limited edition and Premium are high enough. I am personally still hesitant but you also have to find a mix thats going to work.

Air Maps usage by clan members went down a little with the Release of Armored kill and we never wanted to screw with Air Maps because of its popularity. No one wants to mess with B2K either but it also has a bad repuation and a lack of presence we literally had to try and force people to play on it. Mixing those 2 sounds a little weird especially since Sharqi isn't really an air map and people begged us not to add Wake back into it.

If we were speaking say a year from now I would personally Mix Air Maps and Armored Kill in a year or so if its still around. Armored Kill is Air Maps with ATV's and Tank Destroyers. Some of us still wanted to see City IO come back and Id totally mix Grand Bazzar with B2K.