How do you get better DLC? You stop buying EA products, EA goes bankrupt, DICE is dissolved, you hope that most of ex-DICE founds a new studio, and you crowdfund their new project (with a new name since now Battlefield is pwned by EA). All open, all free, on DICE's timetable with no greedy publisher tickling their assholes with a corporate dick.
Quality is magically increased in magnitudes with no managementfag maximizing ROI, no marketingfag telling you what you should want and buy, and no PRfag "putting a positive spin" on a whirlpool of liquid shit blasting you in the face.
... that, and no Origin/Battlefacebook/serverbrowserWEBBROWSERPLUGIN (WTFLOL?)

P.S. Hey, as an added bonus, maybe they'll also reconsider going away from teal/orange and actually going back to symphonic music rather than generic dubstep with "movie trailer" bass drops. Hey, at least they haven't implemented BRAAAM! yet ( .
Maybe they'll do that in BF5, coming out in about 10 months from now.