NS2 - So broke now


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
I almost dont want to play the game anymore its just bleh... to many mistakes devs...
I don't know, I haven't crashed since the last patch, so they're doing SOMETHING right at least...
I tried playing again last night and was bored out of my mind. Every game I see is completely one-sided. Im done with NS2 for awhile.
I tried playing again last night and was bored out of my mind. Every game I see is completely one-sided. Im done with NS2 for awhile.

I heard they picked up an additional game designer to help em out, hopefully we start seeing some interesting gameplay in the future, lately the game plays like slop because the pub environment just does not work well with any game where even one guy not pulling his weight can be a death sentence let alone more than one guy. It's not practical to play only competitive matches so they need to make some serious changes so that everyone can be an effective asset; otherwise stacks (intentional or unintentional) will keep steamrolling over the fun.
The job offer is on their website, it's not like they're hiding it xD .

It's definitely fun to play once in a while, but like everything it gets boring if done too much.
I came back from a week+ mia (mouse died), and yea, i don't like steamrolls or lopsided teams. Even losing is fun if it's an even game.
Although I havent had new problems from the new patch.