Nvidia Beta drivers


Registered User
Apr 27, 2008
New beta drivers are out there, a day old. Supposedly they address they stutter in SLI and screen flickering.
Ive been waiting for someone to try it with sli. But it just says stuttering and nothing about sli.
Ima try it in a lil bit, I had to reinstall my win7 it was just getting too old..so I put those drivers, now DLing BF3 to see what changed :-)
Yai! Its a miracle! Its works great, I got everything on Ultra - no blur and MSAAx4 and it runs smooth! :-)
lol @ beta drivers.
Nvidia cant release windows drivers without waiting for microsoft to certify them. So even if its not beta its marked as beta until microsoft gives it the WHQL certification. So say 275.33 Beta was the same as 275.33 except it came out earlier and was not signed. Then there are actual beta drivers and they can do funny things like make smoke and sparks come out of your gtx 590.
Why you say that sid? Unless your down to high they have atleast as bad as we do i cant believe they released 11.10 in as bad a shape as they did. High is awesome at the moment for sure.
Hold up sid thats pure CHEATING. You cant bring a dx 10.1 card into a dx11 fight lol. Obviously it has no issues with ultra it doesnt even have to do any work :p. No seriously no on would expect any less of it since it takes alote more power todo the dx11 effects even more when the game and drivers are shit. The only card it should be up against is a gtx 285.

But yeah if i had a dx10 card that could run the game i wouldnt have upgraded. Dx10 is plenty good but if your upgrading mind as well go all the way you can.
using them...seem pretty stable....so far...lol....I was getting artifacts with the latest cretified driver...not always...but the beta's seem more stable...doesnt help my kill/death ratio tho in B3...LOL
...played last night for an hour on a highly populated server, only stutter I've noticed is when I am flying really low attacking something and a lots and lots of shooting, explosions and smoke going on around you, but even then drop is not really that bad as it used to be, barely noticable, very playable, but still game feels a bit choppy when at max possible settings even with fraps showing 60+FPS consistently.