Nvidia Control Panel Help?


Registered User
Nov 29, 2013
I was wondering what settings anyone running Nvidia cards are
using for BF4. I remember searching and finding a good write up for BF3.
Nothing so far that's relative for BF4 though. Any and all help is much appreciated!
I never found control panel game profiles to be useful (except possibly SLI/XF but I've never had that). Most if not all settings are in the game... What are you hoping to accomplish by overriding or forcing settings?
I guess just trying to optimize my overall performance with my gtx580.
Currently using The Nvidia Geforce experience program,it can be a intrusive though.
It almost seems to make me freeze up in game more often than when I turn it off.
So hoping to fine tune settings in pamel like I did in BF3.
I don't have BF4, but "freezing up in-game" sounds like overheating/not enough power/other hardware problems, especially if you're not overclocking (GPU should be absolutely rock stable if not overclocked)... not something that a control panel can help you with.