rain i agree with you 100%. our "connected" world is something that is awesome and terrible at the same time. sometimes we are "to connected" and our media, our liberal owned and run media is so irresponsible that it borders on criminal daily. one would think that "the news" was just that or as sgt. gannon would say "the facts please, just the facts" but no we have to also deal with their opinion and news stories tend to have a liberal spin on them distorting the truth. add to that our politicians who are are countries true prostitutes act on this and push forward with what they want (in line with their liberal agenda) and do what they want and not what is good for the country.
decisions that were made in the past, a lot of important decisions would surely have been different. our presidents have for the most part have been nothing but the mouth piece of their political party and not the voice of the people. the same people who voted them into office are no longer important once they get what they want: elected and, set for life. here is one prime example; there is talk about changing the retirement plan for our military as they its to lavish. lavish!?!?! are you friggin kidding me!?!? look at the life long benefits of our politicians and they have the balls to target the military!?!?! these people are friggin out of control! make me sick just thinking about it. un-fucking-believable.