offtherails should not be admin.

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Registered User
Feb 21, 2013
I dont know if this admin trolled me or not but there was clearly another admin abuse from this guy tonite on tbg AK server. This admin balanced me like 6 times in the game, all that in about 15 minutes, this is awesome no? I couldnt play more than 1 minute in the heli that I get balanced : there wasnt even any big ticket difference or anything. I am sure this guy trolled me because we had a lil issue last week , but i thought it was solved since i apologized, but now i regret to have apologized, because i know he is a Madmin. Seriously, Offtherails, stop that, you are the worst admin in this clan, every other are cool and mature except you, grow up please.
just a fyi what balanced u was auto admin it runs off of numbers that is all..... if it 30 vs 32 the program will switch the last player who joined the larger team to make it 31vs31.
The Auto Balance is completely computer based. Generally there would be a message in the chatbox. But even without it the messages that are part of the game will often look as if an admin did it. Moved by admin/Killed by admin isn't a message we can change etc.
I got balanced atleast 6 times in about 15 minutes and i was certainly not the last to join the team, each time i would get in the heli i would get balanced in the minute.
Rails does not have the ability to balance people. That was automatic and, if after getting balanced you switched back, then it was resetting you as the next person to be balanced. In short, either the auto balancer was broken only for you or you are responsible for getting balanced numerous times by switching after getting balanced. This is not admin abuse it is a player trying to circumvent a computer program and getting caught. Please do not accuse our people of things for which they are not responsible.
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