Only took me 84 freaking hours, Finally a Colonel wheres my damn fried chicken.


Mar 6, 2011
If it wasn't for the fact I got off work at 3am and then proceeded to play through 3 ranks until 10:30 am, id say I was ready to celebrate.

So uh.... Fuck you guys im going to bed. Probably wont play BF3 for a couple days my wrist hurts like FUUUUUCCCK

ETA - Decided to compare numbers, GT reached it before 91 hours so I guess i didnt do that badly. Then again Doaker is gonna hit it within 55 hours.
i dont play as often as i used to when i do get on i fuck around with jets and stuff.... not too into leveling up if this game had the AT4 you bet your ass id be on here 24/7, id pull a balls and quit my job and get a new one where i can play 23 hours and work 1 hour to pay for my internet
Why does your wrist hurt, and which one is it?

Left one. I dont get the burning sensation some people describe but otherwise has seemed like carpal tunnel. Both wrists can have the same symptoms sometimes. I chose a chair with arms so I cant get my elbows far above the desk level like I should.

I was a passenger in an accident that left my hands pinned. Ever since then I get shocks up my arm when I have my arms on a desk like I do when I am gaming or eating. Not so much if I stay away from gaming. Havent run into it in awhile but it was a big problem late into playing BC2. I counter it putting a towel or shirt folded up under my left elbow. Takes the pressure off the wrist.
You should seriously consider getting a mechanical keyboard and an ergonomic mouse. It would eliminate a lot of that.
You should seriously consider getting a mechanical keyboard and an ergonomic mouse. It would eliminate a lot of that.

Not sure what would be classified as an ergonomic mouse in the gaming arena. I use the G700 which I find very very comfortable fits me perfectly. I like a large mouse and originally bought the MX Revolution before I started back into gaming. The G700 is the same shape and size.
G700 wireless-gaming-mouse-g700.png mx-revolution-mouse-thumb.jpg Old MX Rev

Yeah actually need a new keyboard, not sure I can put the money into a mechanical just yet despite being worth it. Thanks for the advice.
Mechanical switch (APC BSW 055WH switch) It's not the famous cherry switches, but works just as well from all I've read.
Ill look into it. Thanks Randy. I was originally planning on picking up a Sidewinder X4 or X6 for about the same money. Mainly for the back lit keys and to get me through until I could grab a good one.
Hey, for $40 let me tell you it works for relieving wrist pain and is definitely easier type on. At any rate, I hope your wrist does better. Check out the post Supra did on Carpel Tunnel you might find some good tips there.
Makes me think I need to pull out my IBM Model M... not shitting u just not sure what box its in.

Any info on what switches it uses? Just curious, if its anything good I might go for it. Rocking an original Ideazon ZMerc that I never use the gaming end for. A and W are pretty far gone.
I'm using a Model M here. I found a little program that changed the R_Alt to the Windows key. It works like a boss.
I'm using a Model M here. I found a little program that changed the R_Alt to the Windows key. It works like a boss.

Id have to adapt the bitch anyhow. Z68 boards that use video dont have PS2 ports. The keyboard puts out to a phone or ethernet connector (forget which) that is converted to an AT connector.

Your shit sounds like a pinball machine or something, remember when Portal 2 was in constant transmission lol.
Then again Doaker is gonna hit it within 55 hours.

make that 51 :)
Id have to adapt the bitch anyhow. Z68 boards that use video dont have PS2 ports. The keyboard puts out to a phone or ethernet connector (forget which) that is converted to an AT connector.

Your shit sounds like a pinball machine or something, remember when Portal 2 was in constant transmission lol.

Yeah lol. You at your great-grandparents house or some shit like that. I don't half notice the clicky keyboard anymore--it's just normal sounds to me... especially while I'm mid-game. As for your PS/2 problem, you could just make it a point of buying boards with PS/2 connectors. All of my boards have at least one of those ports--even the Sabertooth X58 and the returned Z68X-UD4.