[OVER] Trine $5 on Steam through Thursday (action/puzzle platformer)


Registered User
Jul 2, 2008
I'm just going to draw your attention to this sale, because I've been thoroughly impressed with this "little" game so far. I also absolutely love the studio's previous two games (the "Shadowgrounds" series), and I'd love for them to see more financial support.

The game is a platformer at its core, but also has a great focus on small physics / puzzles, and it is extremely well-done. Beautiful audio, excellent visuals, gameplay is addictive, fun, and can be taken in short doses.

If you enjoyed the 2d version of prince of persia, imagine that with more mobility (swinglines, etc), beautiful level design, and creative physics-based puzzles which are actually fun to solve, this is what Trine is.

If you absolutely hate platformers (and your name is Boondokk), you probably won't like this.


I'd buy it over again, and I'm actually considering buying a couple of copies to give away :-)
Re: Trine $5 on Steam through Thursday (action/puzzle platformer)

There's a demo too, and check out the review at 2:50 here lulz:

<embed src="http://cdn2.themis-media.com/media/global/movies/player/flowplayer.commercial-3.1.5.swf" flashvars="config=http://www.themis-media.com/videos/config/892-e5146ce9682cf01793b501bc554e9733.js%3Fembed%3D1" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" width="650" height="389" wmode="opaque"></embed>
Re: Trine $5 on Steam through Thursday (action/puzzle platformer)

i bought it during the christmas sale and i have failed to launch it once. its downloading now tho, thx
Re: Trine $5 on Steam through Thursday (action/puzzle platformer)

2 free copies go to the first 2 posters in this thread (please actually make sure you at least like the genre if you decide to post - try the demo).

Leave your steam login (if you're not already on my friends list) or PM me your email account which is associated with steam (AND make a post so people can see and not hope for a copy if you claim one).

I'm going to shower and watch a movie then I'll check the thread a bit later tonight.

TBG preferred, if possible...
Re: [2 FREE COPIES] Trine $5 on Steam through Thursday (action/puzzle platformer)

in? i have a frind that really needs teh gamez
Re: [2 FREE COPIES] Trine $5 on Steam through Thursday (action/puzzle platformer)

Mmk whats his steamid?

I hope he'll enjoy the game :-)
Sadly, it's over. Too late... unfortunately. I should've bought a couple of copies yesterday, but it's too late now.