Parasite - Use IT


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Every dam skulk should be trying to parasite their target as they are approaching , its saves 1 bite with armor 0.

The alien team have no real way of tracking other then marines attacking cysts. This ability is not used enough, and it should be!!

TBG do it up :D
It's only really useful if the element of surprise is already out of the window and you just want to tag a marine you have no way of getting in melee range of safely, otherwise you should always be spending crucial time chomping for full damage. As far as the tracking marines capability goes, it doesn't last long enough to actively waste time doing, and the comm should be using drifters and his ears to keep track of sneaky marine positions.
Im talking about the travel distance, not melee range :D
It's kinda pro, because it needs quick fingers to switch back to bite at the right time, but it's very useful early game. 1 para + 2 bites takes a marine down, and usually you can land the para easily if you're approaching not from the front or if you're ambushing. It also used to be much more popular before glancing bites because it meant that it always took 2 bites to take a marine down before armor 1. Now it's not so much.

Later in the game, it's better to save your energy for a leap than use parasite which takes a huge chunk of energy IMO...
Yea, its def not a MUST DO, but... i find alot of skulks dont use it when they should, Whenever i have a chance, i will always parasite my target before biting them, even coming up from behind , its a quick swap 1n2 binding but it puts you to that next lvl :D
Yea, I try but 99% of the time, I'll miss the para and then not have enough energy to spam/noob chomp.
Its really easy when approaching a marine to parasite then 2 bite (at start).
If you're far away and parasite, what was the point? Now they're ready. You might as well just be a pain in the ass and parasite them some more and leave for a lil.