Part of my show at the road Relay - DJCHAZ


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
I know the quality is shit, ill try to get someone with an actual camera to record :D. You can see me on the stage BARELY lol... just on the right side

Was about 3000 people there. The video starts at one of my soft changes.

Enjoy :D * My fav part is the drop... ugg so sexy!

Nice job Waflez. I see the crowd moving to the music. A lot more than I can say for many DJ's I've seen over the years. If you put some dollars into it you could get some decent recording gear and then sell the videos and or the rights to the videos for when you do productions at larger venues possibly with name brand talent if you do those types of shows. If you go that route you'll have to brush up on copyright laws and such, not to mention if you get a well known group/band/whatever they may all ready have someone set up to do this. Just thinking of your future and possible avenues of cash flow. By the way I take it no one was doing lights for you? Do you have a controller? Also depends on set up at the location.
I make decent cash around town here doing local gigs :D.

Nothing actually recorded and sold tho. Most of the copyright issues are if i dont adapt the songs enough ect. I always hire the same guy for most of my lighting and sound. I have my own equipment but nothing fancy. Smoke, Lasers, Blacklights, Strobes
I have another one friday coming up, wish me luck :D