Patch is now live...


Registered User
Dec 2, 2012
...and the biggest game changer for me is first person spectate

Gorgeous Changelog ? Natural Selection 2


Edit: Moving Skulks are so insanely easy to shoot now I feel depressed, no more dancing round rines.
- Bile bomb can now destroy dropped weapons.

It's about fucking time.
all 3 servers are up

Not sure why gametracker says my Calgary ones are down however all 3 are full
What do you guys think so far?

Gonna be hard to gauge balance until everyone stops picking gorge in pubs so actual matches can happen, but so far looks like babblers are a funny but useless party trick, and gorge tunnels are amazingly executed and will add to the metagame. Haven't had a game last long enough to try out the exos yet (marines win too quickly against teams of uncoordinated gorges spawning babblers) but now it's even easier to shoot moving skulks; even moreso than the previous patch made it, so where before I could go a game without evolving now I can't play skulk at all x)
I don't like the execution of gorge tunnels at all. As far as balancing, nobody can pass judgment until like a week or two later anyway.

Fade hits were buffed by the way (l?wlz). They were quite good before, they'll rape ass now.

Only played a few minutes. By the way, not sure if it was the server I was on but performance seems ejaculatory now compared to before. The game feels more "solid" than ever (to me anyway).
Interesting... from what sword said, it sounds like Marines are just OP....
Yeah, this is on my list to pickup and learn - soon. Just gotta wait for the next paycheck maybe.