PC Magazine: Samsung Galaxy S II Ad Mocks Apple Fanboys

Why in the hell do people get so excited about theses phones you either have to pay a fortune for it or sign your life away in a 2 year contract like so many of us have, only for them to come out with a new phone every year or two that way they get to keep you under their thumb with a new contract. Don't fool yourself you can change providers just like you can change car insurance and supposedly save $400 over your current insurance company but by that logic if you change often enough you should end up with them paying you however I digress my point being is it's all a big racket designed so they can keep their hand in your wallet.

I have an iPhone 4 and guess what? I didn't stand in line or camp out nor did I knock folks down and step on them to get it! And, even know it's already been replaced with the iPhone 4s which is soon to be replaced by the iPhone 5, I have no intension of acting like some brainwashed groupie when it released as a matter a fact for as much as I use this thing if it wasn't for the lack of a text messaging feature I would go back to the Motorola Razor I had 10 years ago. Am I any less cool because I don't have the latest and greatest? lol
Some of the phones are really slick. I'm waiting for smaller phones with dual-core CPUs and all the other cool hardware. Honestly, though, just upgrade every 2 years. That way you get the reasonably latest-greatest.
I'm not bashing the iPhone. I just don't like the braining to make you buy a slight upgraded phone with one to two year old technology for $300. With the same technology in another phone would cost around $100.
Why in the hell do people get so excited about theses phones you either have to pay a fortune for it or sign your life away in a 2 year contract like so many of us have, only for them to come out with a new phone every year or two that way they get to keep you under their thumb with a new contract. Don't fool yourself you can change providers just like you can change car insurance.

How often do you really change phone providers? I mean from 17 on ive had the major 4 and ive only switched one time due to coverage when i moved. With exception to the one time Ive never had reception issues with any provider in this area. There are people that are fed up and frustrated with their providers and thats without even having coverage issues. Just isnt me.

You dont need the latest and greatest but if you have nothing then you need something right? You have a smartphone already right? So your good to go. Meanwhile I was trapped on vacation with no internet except on my crappy cellphone. Built in browser sucks so hard I cant even download the one I am using instead of it. Memory management so screwed I cant even use that for very long without it locking up. It sucked when i bought it, after i lost it and when i bought a used one to replace it so I didnt have to extend the contract.

So whats that leave me with? If i dont want a contract I need to go spend a fortune on an unlocked phone versus taking the contract and getting something free? That free or cheap smartphone is locking me into the same length contract as that free feature phone so whats the difference? Theyre hand is always in your wallet so why try so hard to avoid it more than need be? Buy the phone you want use it till its so old it wont work.

I actually have a few reasons for wanting to upgrade to the Galaxy S II or any other phone.
I dont carry a point and shoot camera anymore. I haul my dSLR anytime I think ill need to even take a photograph much less a snapshot and thats a pain and I miss stuff when I dont bother with the P&S. While smartphone sensors are small causing them to be overly noisy and I am lucky to get a focusing element forget about zoom. Its not that bad compared to a point and shoot for the occasional snapshot especially daylight out doors.

I am always trying to show videos to people I never see outside of places like work so the larger higher resolution screen along with the ability to actually decode the video properly is awesome. I wont use it to watch movies or anything. But speaking of movies I dont have anything that can shoot better than SD. I looked into getting one of those cheapo 100 dollar 720P or 1080P Flip's or whatever else and honestly I am just as well off with most smartphones. My dSLR does not do video but we have one here that does.

Ive never owned a GPS but when you do delivery work it helps among many other uses. Sadly the original Galaxy S has GPS issues the new one doesnt. Phone companies are also sadly not the cheap option for gps service, but atleast you wont have to worry about updates on that note.

I do check forums and continue trying to help people out when I am not at home. The only time I ever talk to people that I know from way back on aim msn and yahoo is using a cellphone. If I bother to shop retail i love being able to check things on the web. I DONT check my facebook or tweet or whatever. I rarely make any phone calls of any sort lol.

Just saying. I use it so why not buy it since I dont have it at all (well effectively). Thats me thats not you I understand your position.
Sounds like someone is upset they were publicly bashing the iphone....lol, jk:)
I will be buying a phone when I get back because the wife repossessed my atrix while I was gone and I tell you what,

Bash away, I'm not a fan of either. :) The only reason I even have an iPhone is because AT&T offered to me as an upgrade for $29.95. I only use the phone for voice calls and an occasional text message so like I mentioned before if AT&T would let me I would gladly go back to using my old Motorola Razr if I still had it. Heck the more I think about it, I may call them tomorrow to find out if I can use one on my plan and if so I'm going to buy one or two because you can get them pretty cheap.
Thank you,
Galaxy s2 here also. Its hands down the best phone available today. The new htc rezound and galaxy nexus are the only real competitors. I do understand the iphone appeal but its honestly the easy to use inferior phone. When im talking to customers about the difference unless its someone who doesnt know how to use a smart phonw at all i never recommend the iphone over an s2 and even if they are a cellphone noob its still only if they ask about the iphone do i bring it up.