Pistol Knife Bow Server information in Battlelog Wrong


Registered User
Mar 4, 2015
I was playing on one of the other TBG Clan servers and a TBG Clan member suggested I check out the clan's pistol knife bow server since I was using the bow. Nearly every time I checked the browser server list it showed 8-15 people playing. However, upon joining the server I found no one playing at all. This happened several times in the late morning and early afternoon and it happened again this evening, just a few minutes ago. If you look at the "full server view" page you can see the server is empty but the browser list shows players as if the game is just getting underway since the counter is at 1600. I have never encountered this situation before but thought server admin might want to check it out.
From what I can tell this is one of the myriad of issues stemming from the latest patch: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064789784235797/

That's one of many reporting the same issue I think you're having. Edit--to clarify, this isn't a server issue, more of a patch/EA/Dice/Great Pumpkin issue, and if so, not a thing we can do unless someone else has/or knows of a workaround. Good hunting regardless.
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