Player report: Bumbumbatzke


Registered User
Oct 15, 2010
Hello! I made this account to report players on your BF2 server, since hackers seem to be everywhere. This is my first post. Anyway:

*Game: Battlefield 2

*Server Name: The TBG Karkand Infantry Only ranked server, i'm not exactly sure of what the server name was

*Date/Time: October 15, 2010, about 9:45-10:00 U.S. Central time. I'm not sure how long the offender was online, or if he is still online.

*Player Name: Bumbumbatzke

*Offense: Some sort of hack. I was following him around, and watched him running while hipshooting with a SAW (and withought using ironsites, it looked like) and getting kills on people from the hotel flag to the square area with the big rock (while running and hipshooting), which is basically impossible. Also, he shot me through the fog. He was at the big building at square (I think), and me and my squad were on the far left side of the hill, running to suburb from the left USMC spawn. The guy infront of me got killed, so I started recording with FRAPS, and stood on the very top looking in his direction. I fired a few random rounds in his direction, and you can see the tracers originating through an invisible wall of fog from what looks like a very high elevation (which is why I think he was on that huge building at the square with the ladder). It has the death message in my video as well.

Evidence: See above, I have a FRAPS recording. I will upload it to youtube if that is needed, but I think other people will come to report him here as well, so I will wait to see if it's needed, since it takes me awhile with my internet.

Comments: His score was ridiculous, like 130 something to 5 deaths, I don't remember. The only deaths he had were me pushing him off of the roof of the huge square building, and me C4 launching him into a wall (once I knew he was hacking, of course :) ). People tried many times to votekick him, but each time it said that not enough votes were made. He also said at one point "you can't kick me!". I'm not sure if he was being arrogant, or if he was using some sort of anti-kick thingy, I don't really know how these things work.

Thanks for the report, we appreciate the help. We'll get him from the logs if he is not on there now.
Ok, thanks alot. I can provide the name that I was using at the time. I reported him a few times, and said !r ************************ADMINS WE HAVE A HACKER******************** to make it easier to find in the logs :D
Cool thanks I am at work now, but will be home in a few hours if no one else takes care of it before then.
Ok thanks again, there was also a (VK)marcos(SVK) or something like that that I *THINK* was glitched into a wall at the hotel shooting people, but I was more concerned about the guy I reported at the time, so maybe next time.

EDIT: As of 10:56 AM U.S. Central Time, Bumbumbatzke is still on the server, if anyone is available to ban him before he logs off. Thanks!
sorry but i just had an epic fail my admin didnt work, FAST!. his score is like 220 when all other players are 30. he will be gone in a bit.
ill take a look of the names you listed and ban them again even if they are already banned ;)

Update his name was (VK)maros(SVK)

and the other guy Bumbumbatzke both banned multiple ways so we can forget about them now. :)
Don't know if he dropped just as my ban went in. Someone tried to kick vote him.
He dropped yes, i got him from outside the game.

I gave these two guys something similar to multiple dildos at once. Got to be painful