Players to ban


Registered User
Nov 27, 2010
Today, their was a group of players on the Karkand server who spent round after round, after round doing the following:

Glitching in buildings near Hotel.
Glitching in wall near square.
C4 jumping to nearly every building possible.
Generally being asshats?

I have alot of video footage, but won't be able to upload it to my Youtube until Monday...cause my house internet sucks.


Z-man4132 - the worst, squad leader for his group of hacks, often C4 jumped and glitched the most so his squad could spawn on him. Did it for 10 rounds.

RJ_GUIDO_COUTINHO - looked to be z-mans buddy, was almost always in the wall with him.

These guys were in his squads, and continually spawned on him while roofing and glitching.
And stayed there.
Also did quite a bit of roofing themselves.

DAD glaperche
Screen captures of my video footage.


Lol I think Zman took offense. Sent me a PM-

Good work super fag. Where should I send the medal for your brave work. I knew you were taking video! I could tell. I dont care because I will just move onto the next server and fuck off again. BITCH!

Glad I could help. Send the medal to my inbox willya? Thanks.
And BTW, I knew you thought I was taking video. Sadly, keeping me out of your squad doesn't do anything.
Damn, Vengeance. Making all kinds of lifelong friends there! It's OK with us, we got your back. I banned one today that threatened DDOS and used the N-word. What tools these folks be.
Lol I just got a kick out of the insults. Seriously, who am I even kidding? Those weren't insults....

And I bet he doesn't even know how to do DDOS....
you would be surprised ddosing is very simple learned it when i was a young buck
you would be surprised ddosing is very simple learned it when i was a young buck

What I meant was that someone going around using the N-word probably doesn't have mental capacity to understand how to do DDOS attack. I know its easy, I've learned to do it as well. p:

I also hacked Facebook. O_O