Please allow for your BF4 servers to be more enjoyable


Registered User
Dec 23, 2013
I'm not sure if this is a lack of enforcement on TBG's part, or DICE's failure to give the proper tools, but every time I connect to your servers, I seem to see on both sides ridiculous amounts of high pings. CS:S servers had a max ping feature enabled where it autokicked players with pings that are to high. The hit registry is bad enough as is in BF4 and the high pings only compound the problem. Why is this not a feature here; or at the very least why do I never see TBG members on to take action? There are too many local pings that never make it on the server and this is a shame. I understand that you're trying to reach as many people as you can for possible donations, but even if that is the case, most donations come from the US for both server owners and twitch streamers as well.
Bottom line, I'd like to see more local pings on the server. In an online environment, the last thing I like to see is the outcome dictated simply because someone is playing from the other side of the world.
We have a ping plugin thats set to either 250 or 300, pretty sure it was moved to 250. However that is 250+ sustained. If the check happens and its gone back down its not going to kick. Its not always someone on the other side of the world. Plenty of bad internet right here in the US. We do have have at least a dozen international members that are active so it can't be super low.
I'll typically kick if someone consistently sits at about 300+. I know rails said he's been kicking people that stay above 250+.
The plugin sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't it seems.
I understand that you're trying to reach as many people as you can for possible donations, but even if that is the case, most donations come from the US for both server owners and twitch streamers as well.

Uh seriously? Donations come from our members we could care less about outside donations albeit it is greatly appreciated. Dont assume that because that's nonsense.
Well, then I would assume that you would at least have people on the servers trying to keep them as fair as possible. The only plugin I've seen work so far on the server is the auto ban for select racist words, and every now and then a modder/cheater gets banned, but that has slowed down. I don't see why would be upset about the donations comment; it's common practice really ... All i'm really asking is that every now and then and admin gets on and boots some of the high pings.
Your very first post and it is an assumption that we are desperate and trying to grab money wherever we can..... and how we should properly be focusing these donations with US and twitch users.
Sorry that bugs me a bit.

By the way, a good chunk comes from canadians, we do exist.

And the fact that we "allow high pingers" has no correlation with donation. No it's not a common practice here. We always relied on members. If I recall we don't even advertise in the server to donate if you like the server...

All i'm really asking is that every now and then and admin gets on and boots some of the high pings.

That's all you need to say instead from the start.

Bottom line:

The ping kicker will be set to 250+, there is a new plugin i need to try that enforces it better. An admin can also always boot a player on an individual basis. We have dedicated regulars who live overseas who have played on our servers going back to older battlefield titles. We also have a member from New Zealand.
actually i'm sure i just worded the twitch part poorly. What I meant was that the majority of donations on twitch come from the US, whether the streamer is from the US or not. That holds true for the majority of games. Either way though, you're focusing too much on that donations part. If you say that's not the reason, so be it, however, it would be nice to have some TBG admins/members show up now and then and clean up some of the really high pings. BTW, i love Canada, i enjoy hunting up there.
And besides man, did you ever stop to think that it is not the other players ping it's your aiming. Take your time aim better.Plus the game has all sorts of problems
dont be this guy
Id have to say which server and usually what time of the day. When you posted it was probably 5 pm est and a monday, people are just starting to get off work and the further west you go the more of them that are on. If its the middle of the day the servers might be populated but you can't expect admins to be on.

At night a different story. People play what they like. If I say hate domination which I see you in now you can't expect me to play there very often. Once in awhile isn't going to do anything for you. We have one server that historically has no admins ever. When we actually put an admin in to stop the bullshit people actually complain more. But thats an exception.

We don't have non admins, everyone here has admin. Everyone is also expected to donate. Its hard to expect people to pay money and then be told hey go play on this server you don't like. When we find a server no one wants to play we hold a vote to terminate it. But people whine and cry alot about it and it stays.
My guess is he plays the Dom server or TDMserver, those are the two servers we are least likely to be found in. I would suggest next time you are in one of our servers and are having issues with high ping players (250+) hop in our forum and post up a thread saying that server has high pings that aren't being booted. There is a good chance one of us will be in the forums and can deal with the situation.
I should've specified I'm talking about the domination server. That's generally the TBG server I play. If it's an issue where your members don't want to play on (which is understandable) i believe some servers award VIP access (and admin?) to some of the top players at the end of each month. Perhaps that could be something to consider. Either way, all I wanted is to see that you guys care to keep the playing field at least somewhat even on the PING side of things. I understand that BF4 has some problems right now that may or may never be fixed. However, high latency is something that can be controlled. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the donations claim/guess, but the lack of admins in the hours of played on the server, and seeing that the script doesn't autokick high pings, I made this thread.
Domination was one of those servers we expected the close quarters players to end up on but it didn't happen. All the metro whores are currently in lockers as you might have noticed earlier.

We don't open admin to outside players, vip was a consideration at times for donators but its a fun thing to manage. Id say it would be nice to see dice open up more control rcon side but hell they haven't even implemented a variable in rcon to see if a player is a commander which breaks balancing plugins. If the ping kicker is really the problem we can try running one procon side rather than rconnet which is in germany. Not sure what fast is looking at as I have my head somewhere else.
if im in, I constantly check players' pings. If you notice a high sustained ping, if I am in game, I will handle it. Past few days I have told people to stop downloading porn, 5 seconds later their pings were back to within our tolerability!