Please change bfh hotwire/conquest server back to just hotwire


Registered User
Jul 16, 2015
I am not sure why the decision was made to change the Hotwire server to include conquest, but please change it back. Hotwire is a specific game type to battlefield Hardline. conquest is the same game play as in every other battlefield game ever made. every 2 out of 3 times i want to play on your server now it is set to conquest. if i wanted to play conquest, i would play BF4. there are very few (6 in fact) servers that have anyone playing on them and your Hotwire server has been full every night up until you adjusted it to include conquest. I appeal to you in the fact that i used to love playing on your Hotwire server, but if it continues in this new fashion, you will have driven me back to BF4 like 90% of the rest of the battlefield community. Because honestly, what is the point of playing the new battlefield if it is the same crap as every other iteration...
Wrong the server was recently not doing well hence the change. Change was not random. When its not doing well for a while you need to find some alternatives and test them out. In this case we added new content to the server.
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Server stayed full all the time..... changes made. Server is DOA. Might want to reconsider the changes before people look elsware. IMHO
Check the rank and historical graph and I monitor this shit daily it was failing bad the last two weeks.
We even have a post from an admin asking why it wasn't doing well that's when I made some adjustment

Go into gameme and look at the historical graph its funny how you claim it was doing well 2 days ago and further beyond that for the last 2 weeks
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Here let me help you with that check my screenshot.the historical graph was sorted by date.

First screenshot since Aug 31 to sept 4-5 hotwire only.

Second screenshot from last two days. I would say the latter is already doing better

If it performs same result I will put it back but as of now I will not. Low player count in bfh playing same hotwire for months is a reason to try new content.


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I stand corrected. Just remember having to wait to get a slot.... not its right in. Those numbers peak for themselves. Thanks for your hard work.
I stand corrected. Just remember having to wait to get a slot.... not its right in. Those numbers peak for themselves. Thanks for your hard work.

No worries, I wouldnt break something that was working for so long and you are right it was doing great for months. No idea what happen. I will keep monitoring it.
Hi guys!
I am a regular pubber too and I also wish for your server to change back to 24/7 Hardline for the same reasons as OP made.
I have noticed that the server isn't nearly as populated and in fact most of the regulars stopped coming because of the change.
If you fail to listen to the community that's up to you but I really enjoyed the 24/7 hotwire, it was the only server like that that was continually populated. Now most are going to a {UN} 24/7 hotwire.

Anyways that's my .02
See you on the battle field
Thank you for your input @Z0MbeeZz but if you read the above post you will see that although there are players threatening to leave, it is a fact that overall the players were decreasing. There were also players complaining about it being only hotwire server even in the midst of the servers peak. I saw them myself. We do value your opinions but it is impossible to make our servers like everyone wants. It is impossible to please everyone on every account. @x=FAST=x is doing his best to keep the server interest up. You are always welcome in our servers, but there has to be a decision and at "this moment" this is the best decision. We hope that you will continue to play. Frankly there is just simply not many servers that populate. So hopefully you will choose ours as we strive to be the best.

We thank you for you input!
I u8nderstand that you have to adapt, my clan ran servers in BF2 and 2142 and we had to switch it up form time to time. For me. personally, I only like Hotwired and find the game play unique is all. Thank for your reply and I will still drop in the TBG server, I love the BF4 Rush server you guys have too! please don't change that!!!! Oo
I u8nderstand that you have to adapt, my clan ran servers in BF2 and 2142 and we had to switch it up form time to time. For me. personally, I only like Hotwired and find the game play unique is all. Thank for your reply and I will still drop in the TBG server, I love the BF4 Rush server you guys have too! please don't change that!!!! Oo

We dont change rotations modes unless it struggles for a good while. Rush doesnt struggle, never has.
Speaking from experience and as one of the regular players on the server, I can tell you that most all of us LOVED the 24/7 hotwire mode....but the moment the population started to drop we went elsewhere (which was mostly conquest / hotwire rotations).

I think a good mix of modes / maps is best to keep people in and also help to get some fresh blood in the server as well. When the server pop started to drop (prior to the change) people started to leave. When the change was made to Conq / HW, the population picked back up and it actually had some new players that had never come to the server before.

I'd like to see a mixture of Conquest / HW and blood money, just so we don't get burnt out playing the same thing. No block / conquest though, THAT SHIT SUCKS!

Thanks for all you do. Appreciate you trying new things to keep this game going.
Speaking from experience and as one of the regular players on the server, I can tell you that most all of us LOVED the 24/7 hotwire mode....but the moment the population started to drop we went elsewhere (which was mostly conquest / hotwire rotations).

I think a good mix of modes / maps is best to keep people in and also help to get some fresh blood in the server as well. When the server pop started to drop (prior to the change) people started to leave. When the change was made to Conq / HW, the population picked back up and it actually had some new players that had never come to the server before.

I'd like to see a mixture of Conquest / HW and blood money, just so we don't get burnt out playing the same thing. No block / conquest though, THAT SHIT SUCKS!

Thanks for all you do. Appreciate you trying new things to keep this game going.

Appreciate the feedback. Sadly I'm stuck between two sides one group wants X the other wants Y. So no matter how carefully I tread Im not making one group happy. I'll re-think it over the weekend. I think common ground would be 2 HOT back to back then 1 CONQ then 2 HOT 1 BLOOD etc..

But I agree it was only 5 maps things were getting old is my guess along with the game not having much players on it and the DLCs are flops.
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Im going to keep this thread alive so we can keep track of things. Running hotwire only extended time and going to sleep in terms of activity.
The change up would be appreciated. I have had a few players who I play with frequently on the server, with ranks of 10 or less, out of 37,000, ask that we add the other maps/game modes back. Just my 2 cents.