Please do not:


Registered User
Jan 16, 2015
I was in game today asking someone who I thought may be from the same native american tribe as I come from in Minnesota if their name meant bald eagle or if I knew them and I found myself over explaining to joel that I myself am German and Indian after being harassed about my conversation. If you think I am that racist I will stay out of your servers, but please do not attack me on a personal level. Joel you have no right asking me if I am being racist when I asked someone if their name meant bald eagle. I do not know why you would try to make me look bad in front of fellow gamers by saying under my ban appeal I claimed to be german. Who is the one stepping on racist boundaries here anyway? My race has nothing to do with a language I speak fluently does it? I just happen to be a mix of Native and German and for you to say that is not typical, wtf is then? MY GOD What kind of pathetic crap can you throw out next is what I was I left the server with no need of being text raped by an admin.
Good Day.
Let's back up for a moment here. I was not harassing or attacking you.

I glanced up at chat and saw...


[BGE] Dogear over macho grande?

and then I saw you say...

[eTc] -l-ToeTags-l- no ojibwe language

Sounded like you were saying not to speak Ojibwe.

To give you the benefit of the doubt and to clarify I merely asked what you meant. I asked twice because you didn't respond...

[TBG] joelebroy toetags, what did you mean by your comment?

I was running on memory over your racial slur ban for saying JEW when someone had the word Jude in their name and I thought your profile or your appeal indicated you lived in Germany so I was asking why you said that.

It was not meant to be offensive to you, I was merely wondering what motivated you to say that.

Sorry for any confusion here, but I was not attacking or humiliating you. I was just trying to monitor the situation to keep the in game conversation from getting racial and disrespectful as often happens.

If I was in error here and missed the context, then I apologize for how it made you feel.
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Right on, same here I am sorry it had to go that far....that is just it, a misunderstanding. You don't know me on a personal lvl and same goes for myself and you. I don't cause problems in your server do I? After making this post I felt a little uncomfortable in the game server when another admin said something to me. If there is going to be an issue, which I hope there is not, I can refrain from the TGB game servers. The one thing I can say, is that most clans/teams chose to speak about things on the forums,rather than in game so I came here to talk about it rather than it go any further. It was drug up again in game and I just guess what I am trying to say is I go by experience with 17 years of online gaming that most men are mature enough to speak behind closed doors, not out in a public place such as in the game server itself when they have a situation that calls for it. I hope there is no hott blood Joel as I hold none towards you or anyone else and if there is let me know here so I do not need to be humiliated in the game is all I ask for ok? I have had a rather long history in gaming and had my old friends from ADK squadding up with me when this second thing came up, and they all wanted to know why there was an issue with me and why some no name guy was harassing me (server admin under alias Drekigedutzend) about things with TBG. I said it will get cleared up and that is what I am here posting for, now.
Other than that, like I originally posted, Good Day.

I've messaged you about this as well. As far as I am concerned, water under the bridge. I am Drekigedutzend. I am not angry with you nor is there hot blood. I am also not going to sugar coat anything for anyone. However, blowing up on me a few times as well as the conversations going way out of proportion have been the only issue and a very mild one at that.

Like i said before, water under the bridge. Have fun with the game and if you're going to smack talk, expect it in return.
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No hot blood man. I looked at the logs, where I see all points of view in this situation/scenario, generally speaking of ethnicities/race/backround info is not a "normal topic" for "in-game" chat. And we have zero tolerance for racism in TBG servers(as you already know). I am sure you have the experience being an admin that the amount of traffic that goes through servers in a day is a metric FUCKton, especially with chat. We try to nip shit in the bud, or diffuse potential racial shit that may end up in people getting banned for "honest" (non derogatory) conversations due to ethnicities. More times than not people use slurs in a derogatory manner.

Like I said, no harm no foul, but in-game chat is not the place for religion/politics/ETHNICITIES. Hope you continue to play in TBG servers and some clarification has been brought to the table.
Right on, I understand the race thing to the fullest growing up native on the reservation in a 70's culture. I will say one thing, it was not too fun being mixed as I got it from both sides of the court so to speak. Have a good night and kill you later....
Hey Chris, just wanted to say I have no bad blood with you either. It was an honest case of me just seeing a part of the chat and trying to do the right thing.

Thanks for bringing it up and having the conversation about how you felt.

See you in the game, and please put on some fresh dog tags for me to take. :-)
this is how I like to see things handled and not just someone coming in trying to slander the other. was this post necessary? no. but do I like the way it was handle and addressed? absolutely see yall on the battlefields
Muahahaha clean the pink matter off your shoulders and strap on a new head joel, I'm gunnin for face! ;)