Please tell me I was robbed.


Mar 6, 2011
Tell me I was fucking robbed because this is bullshit. While my gunner was dicking around on the ground I decided to solo on this jet. Fired TV, Hit the wing there was an explosion.... second time this morning wtf. I know the pilot felt the previous hit I did because he even typed about it in chat lol.

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Thanks to bob once again for teaching me how to TV jets. This one might have been a little steep but a hits a hit man...
the angle is too sharp, the best hits come at 90, up til 75 you can register a kill without trouble, after that it's lottery.
lol seed. I just edited footage of us flying from awhile back. Wish i had much worth saving. Your not too far off lol.
I have had a few of these lately. From what I know if you move the missile at the last second it does this. Get your aim on target sooner so you don't have to move it much at the end and you wont have this too much. Hell I've seen Kris, Seed and myself actually knock the other chopper sideways, but not blow it up. It's dumb and I'm sure their working on yet another fix for the TV. lol like the last three fixed it???
the angle is too sharp, the best hits come at 90, up til 75 you can register a kill without trouble, after that it's lottery.

While that may be the case, it is robbery. A big fucking tv missle hits you in the wing, I would assume it takes the wing off. What happens if you hit the cockpit? (the one in the plane, not the place Soulzz hangs out).
What happens if you hit the cockpit? (the one in the plane, not the place Soulzz hangs out).


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That was my first, bob walked me through it and it just happened. I think subconciously i was paying attention to the rocket smoke on that one and followed the path near the end. I could have done that with the one this morning. I will look out for that more often when someone is firing.
Actually it's quite easy to take out planes with the TV. The problem people have is trying to chase them with a TV. You'll rarely catch them. The absolute best way to catch them is when they are on a bombing run. They are usually going towards the ground on a predictable angle and speed (most times they are slowing down too). Easy prey when they do that. Surprised I have not been shot down on more occasions. As for the actual TV missile, it's a problem for me for other reasons, but you have to predict where your target is going to be, not steer it into them at the last moment. Once you master that part, hitting moving targets will be much easier. For actual real game advice I would get with Renno or some of the others that are really good with it. I miss more than I hit on enemy helos.
You know whats funny bob is they always say tail hits on choppers are the worst and the majority of my chopper kills are on the tail sometimes the very tip of it lol. Call them all near misses. Lately it seems like this whole punkbuster lag thing has been robbing everyone a little but who knows.
So, you play "just the tip"?


Was a hit and kill by the way. Last frame before it went static.
The jet got robbed . The jet is so uber it should of reflected the tv back to the heli and killed the heli :) MUAHAHAHAHA!