[poll] Banned

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Registered User
Nov 25, 2008
In game name -DaRK^ Pedro12*

This message is to CTFalcon since he was the admin that banned me.

Time 1 AM Nov 25

Well I'd just like to say that I play your titan servers a lot and they are all in my favorites... That being said I try to play fair and not cause any problems. I was just playing tonight and you banned a clanmate. I didn't even know what happend until you said if he comes back again you will ban my whole clan. Next thing I know while typing why will I be banned I was disconected. After that I joined another TBG server to talk to a TBG member and you followed me there instantly and banned me from there too. I understand that you were mad at my clanmate but I really don't think what happend was fair. Yes, he came back after being banned but that had nothing to do with me or my clanmates. If you check some of the popular forums you will see that I actually take the time to ask to be unbanned. Anyway I don't know if I will change your mind but you should remember that you play this game to have fun : )
Hey Pedro12 thanks for posting your ban issue in an civilized manner. It is very much appreciated. Please allow time for the admin, if it was CTFalcon to plead his side. Thanks again.
From what I understand Zhownage as well as atleast 3 other -Dark^ members are on pb bans. I banned him from my server after finding this out, he used a hash gen to get back in two more times. I told his clan mates if he comes back their entire clan is banned, he did, and they were.
I'd rather be safe than sorry.
I like to say... birds of a feather - flock together.
Show me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.

Careful who you want to be associated with - switch clans or something maybe...
Here's how we're gonna do this, if you want to be unbanned get Zhownage to come post a heartfelt apology and promise to never come into one of our servers again. We have his IP address, so If the IP registered to his post is different we'll know it wasn't him and the ban remains.
Wait a sec. A Dork^ member actually playing legally? Whoa now, this should be on the cover of NY TIMES. Ped i give you credit, you have some guts asking to be unbanned even thou you hang around with hackers and the Super-Human battlefield 2142 boy http://2142-stats.com/Dilan6+stats.html

guys dont flame the thread. Just let falcon deal with it please, he was the admin present.
All I gotta say is wow.... Fast I do remember saying that about the macro to you. You switched seats and uesed a tv missle on me while flying really low (20 meters above ground). I can't switch seats while flying high so I said what came to mind. It's not illegal to EA and a lot of people do it. As for following you?? I was trying to get top players tags. I have most of the top 100 players. I have gotten yours and balls2dawalls tags 3 times. Yours once, his tiwce. That is three times on different days. Well amazingly enough just those times the servers crashed. Well I didn't even say anything about it. To be honest I don't even care. You asked why I followed you and there is your answer. Yeah I might of yelled at you once for killing me a bunch but do you really have to ban me.

I am in the Dark clan...but check my name on the PB bans. I am not on there.
CTFalcon if your demands were aimed at me I could do something about it. I am just a member of this clan and I cannot ask the leader to write a heartfelt apology to someone who banned him on my account. To those of you missing the point - I have done nothing wrong and you mid as well be banning me for being mexican.
Nobody bans you for being a mexican. We dont care about your race or who you are. We have all kinds of ppl in tbg even female so dont even think like that.

You arent understanding Falcon's post. I suggest you re-read that please.
I've actually played on the Dark server before and around Dark members and I did pretty well LMAO... maybe they had their cheats turned off if they use any.

If someone is on Pbbans though, they are definitely not welcome in our servers...
Hey fast I was just messing around with my last statement. I am not even mexican and only added it for dramatic affect : P I undertood Falcons posts and just hope that you can try to understand mine. After all we want to be mexiCANs not mexiCANTs.

Say guys can we start doing the pole... I think it would be fun.
in my opinion its not to smart to "mess around" when your trying to get unbanned. we take these kind of thing serious unlike other clans
The way I see it this issue concerns the entire Dark clan. I've been told from many people that I trust that you guys are nothing but trouble, so I have no real motivation here to unban you. That said, if I get an apology from the main person in question here, Zhownage, I'd be willing to allow the rest of you back in our servers. I don't consider this unreasonable at all, if he actually cares about the rest of his clanmates then he can take it on himself to apologize.
Well then CTFalcon I guess that I have "no motivation" to play on your server. All of my posts were respectfull and I have never done anything waranting a ban. If you are really that insecure that you need an apology for something so trivial then I wish you luck in life. I could sit here now and say that I dislike the entire True Born Gaming clan but I don't dislike them.
I ban people associated with hackers then expect an apology and you get snarky with me? I told you I don't care to see you in our servers again, I guess if your leader can't make an effort then it's settled.
Hey now, he is trying to handle this professionally, I say regardless if he hangs around hackers or not, the proof is in the pudding of the character and if he was some pompous punk he wouldn't have the intellect to handle this situation as he has.

we are pretty lenient when it comes to people who handle their case professionally. which you have done.

I say give him a chance, un-ban him under ONE CONDITION:

that you if any suspicion arises that you in fact are cheating or glitching or in any sense breaking rules than your ban shall be re-instated. you say you like to play in our servers. and our servers are monitered very very very closely.

a friendly word of Advice is that 1 "OH SHIT" ruins 10,000 "That a Boy!"s. as well as be care about the people you choose to associate with. make sure that you introspect about the things that other people do around you, be conscious about their activities and think about if their behaviors and attitudes are in the same realm of interests as yours. and if they are not than you should should remover yourself from that situation.

You are the company you keep

just think about that.
I really didn't expect to be writing another post here but I am glad that I am. Thanks a lot Diry-Lex for your post. It is really hard to try to state your case and keep your cool when minds are already made up. I will not sit here and say that Dark is a perfect clan and everyone is squeaky clean. However I will say that they are a great bunch of guys that I enjoy shooting the shit with while playing battlefield. There are arguments starting about our reputation and what we should do. For me it will be a tough decision.

The reason why Zhownage will not be posting an apology Falcon is because that I never asked him to. I am here appealing my own ban and think that it would be rotten for me to ask him to do it. I am fairly certain that he would do it for me so don't attack his character.
a friendly word of Advice is that 1 "OH SHIT" ruins 10,000 "That a Boy!"s....

WHy do I always hear a different number for that one???
My dad was navy and always said 1 "Aw shit!" fucks up 10 "Ada Boys"
Dark=Haxors = ban i ask u dont lift the ban i have played with and against them multiple times and they all glitch to my knowledge and birds of a feather flock together. pedro you came across as a good person and my advice to you is find another clan to play with you know as well as i do they will not stop what they have been doing, as you are going to be subject to punishment for their actions.
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