President about to Formally Draw down troops.

He realized that he needs the troops from Iraq for his new mission in the Congo
Well be back.
Marc is spelled with a C by the way.

Well at least your coming home
Sad thing is Obama is going to win again
He can put "I pulled the trigger on Bin Laden, Gadaffi is dead and I brought the troops home" on his campaign resume.
That's not all he can put on his resume, don't forget such big ticket sellers as;
"I oversaw the greatest economic decline our nation has seen since the great depression"
"I imposed a national healthcare system that will exponentially increase the cost of healthcare to every American, except my union friends who I exempted from my law"
"I forced the military to allow open homosexuality because my wealth of experience in the military showed me that in a time of two+ wars this is the kind of change that will make military life easier"
Well be back.
Marc is spelled with a C by the way.

We'll is spelled with a apostrophe. Just saying...

Any who. This isn't anything new this was announced in the fall of last year. It's now has been confirmed for sure. Just in time for elections.
We'll is spelled with a apostrophe. Just saying...

Oh looks like the grammer police is back. Yup that's your Erik, Sgt. Anous, I hope your enjoying your job
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He left out the reason for the full withdrawal is that Nouri Al Malaki would not agree to a SOFA that would protect our troops from the Iraqi justice system. Therefore, we will not even leave a training force there as originally announced by him. He can paint it as a victory all he wants. I hope he enjoys trying to talk to Iran Jr. as soon as our troops leave.
Erik I think thats antisemitism and discriminatory against Jewish people.
Anyways.... Let's get back on subject of the thread.

The troops should have been back for almost two years now.