Punkbuster Kicking


Registered User
Dec 29, 2012
Anyone else getting a punkbuster kick labeled "Disallowed Program/Driver [130827]"? I can stay in game about 5/10 minutes then it kicks me. I haven't updated any drivers or changed any settings in the last week and this started today.
it's common error message from PB not sure what is causing that to trigger.
You do not have to set them up. PB scans for the .exe or uses another way to detect if the program is installed on the computer. More than likely just need to manually update PB and you'll be good to go.
If PB scans my computer for AutoHotKey, I would have been kicked tons of times since I do have that program installed on my system. I personally only use it to change my audio settings before I play a game from my monitor to my headset and then back after I'm done gaming.
If PB scans my computer for AutoHotKey, I would have been kicked tons of times since I do have that program installed on my system. I personally only use it to change my audio settings before I play a game from my monitor to my headset and then back after I'm done gaming.

Historically its a listed and disallowed program. AutoHotKey is completely capable of performing anti recoil functions. It may only kick for it if a particular script has initialized particular functions but nonetheless its a known one.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Quantum I forgot to mention that the server would have to be set up to kick/ban for level 2 restrictions. Not really done by many communities any longer. If set up that way the server would unfairly kick for too many violations. Besides auto hot key has legitimate uses after all. Especially for the handicapped.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Historically its a listed and disallowed program. AutoHotKey is completely capable of performing anti recoil functions. It may only kick for it if a particular script has initialized particular functions but nonetheless its a known one.

Well, I only run AutoHotKey before and after I play, never during (however, I had though about making a script for the FPS command). Anyways. I have a custom made script tied to a function key on my keyboard that allows me to swap my audio settings in ~4 seconds, where if I were to attempt to do it manually, it would take ~20 seconds. I know, not much of a real time difference when you look at it, but does save some annoyance on my end from having to do it manually.
Well, I had the same problem of being kicked for exactly the same PB 130827 on the Metro/Locker server almost every round yesterday. The funny part is I didn't even log out of Windows, and didn't even use that dedicated gaming machine between playing on that server the day before and yesterday. PB simply decided to kick me by itself yesterday.

After some frustrations, I finally downloaded & installed PunkBuster, added BF4 to it and have it do an update. No trouble after that.

And BTW, my machine has a clean install of Win7, w/ only drivers, TARGET, TS3, Emacs (for editing config files), BF4, and the soon to be uninstalled TitanFall. And now PB, nothing else, clean as a whistle.