[ST:O] PVP videos ready for Archeastors inspection.


Mar 6, 2011
We all know Josh likes to watch. I tell him to wait for the sextape so here it is.

After beating wave 8 of the no win we PVP'd these guys 2v2 and lost. I 1v1 the other guy to decent success.

Temporal Ship with the lock down build (4 rounds):
<iframe width="960" height="720" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/JKqlPEJmzRM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Armitage with Critical Hit Anti Proton Build:
<iframe width="960" height="720" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/bZfLjG88W_Y?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Good stuff. That third battle in the first vid was quick. Why does the other player move so much? Are maneuvers like he does relevant to the ship or the attack? Also did you mess with your sound settings Rain? Sound was low for me in the vids.
Good stuff. That third battle in the first vid was quick. Why does the other player move so much? Are maneuvers like he does relevant to the ship or the attack? Also did you mess with your sound settings Rain? Sound was low for me in the vids.

Movement means his defense bonus goes up. Everyone's base chance of hitting a target is 95% IF the target isn't moving and has no defense.
As Kubla was saying a ship sitting still has no defense. Defense counters accuracy and with a base of 95% you then factor in most of my weapons are plus 20% and my spec has 12 to 15% bonus. When I critical hit anything over 100% accuracy overflows into critical damage severity. In testing I observed a ship having 25% defense while moving and then speced into the skill it had about 65%. Keeping moving helps the enemy miss or do less damage.

I am a fan of the concept that weapons on target do more damage then off. When you start dancing its a very dangerous gamble. If you can't get your weapons back on target before they do then the potential shifts to them. However I have superior control of my throttle over 99% of players. Too bad everything else I am retarded with.

But the temporal ship is a whole different ball game. Like most of my setups I use a beam weapon to do subsystem targeting. Giving me a 20 percent chance of say disabling your engines. The hope is I disable your engines get back on target and pummel the shit out of you. The temporal science vessel is not a damage dealer. It can't mount the weapons I normally use and it has 1 to 2 less than other ships. Being a science vessel I have access to a full range of science bridge officer abilities. I spend the entire fight disabling your ship and sucking all the power out of your systems. You spend the entire fight impaired as hell. While it has a weak hull it has the largest shield multiplier in the game. I've had the ship forever but I only recently built it to do what she does now. She runs the temporal ware fare set which has weapons and abilities specifically targeting and debuffing a ships turn rate and flight speed.

The sound is my bad. 2 things here normally I run the game at 5% volume but I have it down to 2% now and yes that is a large difference. However the second part is I usually normalize the sound level in the editor later which basically brings the volume back up a bit but I failed to do so.

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