Question regarding Donations


Registered User
Jun 2, 2013
Why exactly are Donations required of everyone?

What about those people who want to join but cant spare money every month because theyre poor?

Is it basically 'oh, you cant donate for us? then go away.'?

Personally I find it somewhat prejudiced, and that it turns away a lot of cool people potentially.
The servers, website and subscriptions have to be paid for, you know.

Given that anyone wishing to join also has to pay for a gaming pc, internet service and at least a few games, $20 a month is a reasonable amount to ask.
Being part of a community means putting something towards the community, nothing is free in this world my friend.
When you are personally and financially invested in something you will have a better attitude towards it.

Also, you don't have to be a member to be part of the community. We have lots of players who play with us and join us on TS, even sometimes donate, but never join.
What does being a member really mean to you? VIP server access? Admin? Why would we give something to random people who are not willing to contribute to the cost of running? There are people out there that contribute for just those 2 things from other communities without even being a member. But we don't do that as a good admin is usually not that person.

We do look for other ways someone can contribute to the community. But in those cases were usually talking well known regulars that are already known to fit into the community or former members etc. I am one of our worst donators. While I would like to be doing a lot more than I am now in the last year I saved us 100 bucks. That's not mentioning work I have put in that would have to be done by someone else or paid for.

Some people get more out of this community than others. Its a really tight group and I believe we have built 3 computers for people in the last 2.5 years. We have a core group here that is really here not just for themselves or the servers but the community as a whole.

It also comes down to one thing at the end of the day. When a public player disagrees with us on something we are in our rights to do (ie: doesn't violate EAs ToS) we pay the bills not them. Those who contribute have a voice. Its also a lot easier to cut a member who doesn't donate.

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I thank you all for your respectful responses.

In my personal opinion however, usually every clan I had been in before never required donations, as the money for everything probably came out of the pockets of admins and moderators.

That probably has influenced my disagreeing stance on such a matter.

But, maybe one day when I am financially secure and able to spare 20 dollars a month, maybe I will join.
Well that answers your question, we are the admins and moderators.
Well that answers your question, we are the admins and moderators.

That might be something else to point out. The way this group operates is our members are Admins. If you can't handle yourself as an Admin then we dont see you fit for the community. However that could be a reason why we other communities would have non paying members and we dont. Both have their downsides. The membership before admin aspect can give a little more time to get to know someone.

We are doing well financially these days but not long into me being here I saw our first month where we did not make a goal. That quickly changed and even though a big donater has come and gone our progress on goals has not. We are at the point of expanding into many games and while we might not be spending our income yet in the near future we likely will have increased expenses just due to this expansion.

I would say hang around get to know us. Spend time in teamspeak. There is some value in being friends with the people you play with.