Quick question.


Registered User
Oct 14, 2015
Hey all TBG guys, gals and associates, I have a quick question and I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. Why is it I get kicked from you server for doing well? (Hardcore #8) I love your servers but this has been I think the 3rd time this has happened. Can I not do well and get to keep playing? Also its extremely frustrating. I thought only the NooB friendly NODA servers kicked and banned people from doing good. Why is this? I wanna keep coming back to play here but its extremely frustrating, for a person, who A: Doesnt hack and B: Has no plan on it, to get kicked for "doing to well". All I ask is for a simple explanation on why this is a plug in. I dont do very well all the time and when I do it would be nice to be rewarded not punished.

Thank you fro you time, Toaster4Sale
Next time it happens take a screenshot of the kick message on battlelog. If an admin kicks you it will say please follow rules, respect admins etc...that's our default message.
It could be a admin joining a full server it kicks a random person.

Also here's a option:
Looking for reserve slots/immunity to balancer?
PM x=FAST=x for details and requirements
Thats the thing. I am no where near mad or anything because I am not being kicked by an admin. My kick states "kicked for having and suspiciously high K/D. It would be different if I had some crazy like 60-0 or something K/D but I am getting kills and getting capture points for my team not just sitting in an AA or something. Very Very Frustrating. Also if its and admin joining thats fine with me but why not have that as the message? Id rather be kicked to make room for an admin than the reason I was kicked. According to the message. Which if I am being kicked by an admin does it choose a random player?
You will have to post screenshot of kick message. There was no admin on that server today. There was no @kick command given either..
@x=FAST=x doesn't PBbans or BF4db kick on crazy high K/Ds. I know ive seen other ppl complain before but its usually cause they were 5k+ hour jet pilots
you are right, the KDR kicker was still on default for the hardcore server only, the others were all set to 80. Default was 30 and kick by script not a ban, That's been bumped and switched to ban. Good catch

Shouldnt be an issue moving forward.
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